pulseaudio 0.9.22, after system suspends and resumes, alsasink is blocked

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seems to be stuck in iochannel callback?  Heres a stack trace when I do
killall -11 pulseaudio to generate a crash.
also could be stuck in rtpoll sleeping in alsa sink?

      PC    Instructions around faulting address
 2aeb5ae4   e1a02005 e1a0a000 e1a00008 ef000000 2aeb5af4
 2aeb5af4   e3700a01 e1a03000 91a04000 8a000009 2aeb5b04
depth StackAdr     Content     Symbolname
     7eaf9a58  0006f558
     7eaf9a5c  00024c90
     7eaf9a60  000214d8
     7eaf9a64  2ac78468
     7eaf9a68  2ac3ec20(17c20) in /usr/lib/.debug/
libpulsecommon-0.9.so/callback ()
      7eaf9a6c  2ac524ac(2b4ac) in /usr/lib/.debug/
libpulsecommon-0.9.so/pa_pstream_unref ()
      7eaf9a70  2ac78468
     7eaf9a74  00000000
     7eaf9a78  0006f558
     7eaf9a7c  00000000
     7eaf9a80  00000001
     7eaf9a84  ffffffff
     7eaf9a88  0000002f
     7eaf9a8c  0000002f
     7eaf9a90  0006d9d0
     7eaf9a94  2aeb5adc(cbadc) in /lib/libc-2.8.so/__poll ()
     7eaf9a98  0000002f
 #00 -------------------------------------------------------------
     7eaf9a9c  ffffffff
     7eaf9aa0  0006d9d0
     7eaf9aa4  0000002f
     7eaf9aa8  00000000
     7eaf9aac  00000000
     7eaf9ab0  0001f068
     7eaf9ab4  2aeb5c5c(cbc5c) in /lib/libc-2.8.so/ppoll ()
     7eaf9ab8  00001030
 #01 -------------------------------------------------------------
     7eaf9abc  00000000
     7eaf9ac0  0002151c
     7eaf9ac4  570214d8
     7eaf9ac8  00000001
     7eaf9acc  00024c90
     7eaf9ad0  00000010
     7eaf9ad4  00000000
     7eaf9ad8  2ac78468
     7eaf9adc  2ac3ea5c(17a5c) in /usr/lib/.debug/
libpulsecommon-0.9.so/enable_events ()
      7eaf9ae0  00000000
     7eaf9ae4  2ac26530
     7eaf9ae8  7eaf9bfc in [stack] 7eaf9bfc
     7eaf9aec  00000010
     7eaf9af0  00024c90
     7eaf9af4  000214d8
     7eaf9af8  2ac78468
     7eaf9afc  2ac3ec20(17c20) in /usr/lib/.debug/
libpulsecommon-0.9.so/callback ()
      7eaf9b00  2ac26530
     7eaf9b04  00000000
     7eaf9b08  00000001
     7eaf9b0c  2ac3ed04(17d04) in /usr/lib/.debug/
libpulsecommon-0.9.so/callback ()
      7eaf9b10  7ef7bb00
     7eaf9b14  2b00c000
     7eaf9b18  000f2d76
     7eaf9b1c  00070298
     7eaf9b20  0002151c
     7eaf9b24  000214d8
     7eaf9b28  00000001
     7eaf9b2c  000380f0
     7eaf9b30  00000000
     7eaf9b34  000214d8
     7eaf9b38  00000000
     7eaf9b3c  0000002f
     7eaf9b40  0006d9d0
     7eaf9b44  000214d8
     7eaf9b48  2ac26530
     7eaf9b4c  2abf95a4(1d5a4) in
/usr/lib/.debug/libpulse.so.0.12.3/pa_mainloop_poll ()
      7eaf9b50  00000000
 #02 -------------------------------------------------------------
     7eaf9b54  00000000
     7eaf9b58  7eaf9b60 in [stack] 7eaf9b60
     7eaf9b5c  0002151c
     7eaf9b60  00000897
     7eaf9b64  400b1d9f
     7eaf9b68  0000003b
     7eaf9b6c  000214d8
     7eaf9b70  000214d8
     7eaf9b74  7eaf9c0c in [stack] 7eaf9c0c
     7eaf9b78  000214d8
     7eaf9b7c  2ac26530
     7eaf9b80  00000001
     7eaf9b84  00000000
     7eaf9b88  0001f068
     7eaf9b8c  2abfae08(1ee08) in
/usr/lib/.debug/libpulse.so.0.12.3/pa_mainloop_iterate ()
      7eaf9b90  000167cc(167cc) in /usr/bin/.debug/pulseaudio
 #03 -------------------------------------------------------------
     7eaf9b94  00024ab8
     7eaf9b98  00000000
     7eaf9b9c  000214d8
     7eaf9ba0  00021e28
     7eaf9ba4  00000001
     7eaf9ba8  00000000
     7eaf9bac  7eaf9c0c in [stack] 7eaf9c0c
     7eaf9bb0  000214d8
     7eaf9bb4  000214d8
     7eaf9bb8  00021e28
     7eaf9bbc  2abfaeec(1eeec) in
/usr/lib/.debug/libpulse.so.0.12.3/pa_mainloop_run ()
      7eaf9bc0  00024ab8
 #04 -------------------------------------------------------------
     7eaf9bc4  00000000
     7eaf9bc8  000214d8
     7eaf9bcc  00011d9c(11d9c) in /usr/bin/.debug/pulseaudio/main ()
      7eaf9bd0  000167cc(167cc) in /usr/bin/.debug/pulseaudio
 #05 -------------------------------------------------------------
     7eaf9bd4  00024ab8
     7eaf9bd8  0000001f
     7eaf9bdc  00015ea8(15ea8) in /usr/bin/.debug/pulseaudio
     7eaf9be0  0000001f
     7eaf9be4  00000000
     7eaf9be8  000158e0(158e0) in /usr/bin/.debug/pulseaudio
     7eaf9bec  00021360
     7eaf9bf0  ffffffff
     7eaf9bf4  00024b20
     7eaf9bf8  00000000
     7eaf9bfc  ffffffff
     7eaf9c00  ffffffff
     7eaf9c04  00012d80(12d80) in /usr/bin/.debug/pulseaudio/__libc_csu_init
      7eaf9c08  00000002
     7eaf9c0c  00000000
     7eaf9c10  2aaba2f8(f2f8) in /lib/ld-2.8.so/_dl_fini ()
     7eaf9c14  00000000
     7eaf9c18  2aacda50
     7eaf9c1c  00000000
     7eaf9c20  2af27958
     7eaf9c24  00000000
     7eaf9c28  00000000
     7eaf9c2c  2aad2000
     7eaf9c30  00000000
     7eaf9c34  2adfefe0(14fe0) in /lib/libc-2.8.so/__libc_start_main ()
     7eaf9c38  2af26000
 #06 -------------------------------------------------------------
     7eaf9c3c  7eaf9d84 in [stack] 7eaf9d84
     7eaf9c40  00000002
     7eaf9c44  00010560(10560) in /usr/bin/.debug/pulseaudio/main ()
      7eaf9c48  00000000
     7eaf9c4c  00000000
     7eaf9c50  00000110
     7eaf9c54  2af26000
     7eaf9c58  00000000
     7eaf9c5c  00000000
     7eaf9c60  2aad2000
     7eaf9c64  00000000
     7eaf9c68  7eaf9c38 in [stack] 7eaf9c38
     7eaf9c6c  2adfef98(14f98) in /lib/libc-2.8.so/__libc_start_main ()
     7eaf9c70  00000000
     7eaf9c74  00000000
     7eaf9c78  00000000
     7eaf9c7c  00000000
time to list this stack:0s  9576us ptrace_peektext=138
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
pid: 6857, tid: 6858
    r0 fffffdfc
    r1 00000002
    r2 ffffffff
    r3 00000000
    r4 00000001
    r5 ffffffff
    r6 00000002
    r7 000000a8
    r8 000267d8
    r9 00000000
   r10 00000000
    fp 2c886d9c
    ip 000030ec
    sp 2c886c28
    lr 2aecc2b8(e22b8) in /lib/libc-2.8.so/__libc_enable_asynccancel ()
    pc 2aeb5af4(cbaf4) in /lib/libc-2.8.so/__poll ()
  cpsr 60000010
Dumping thread alsa-sink (6858)
#00  pc 2aeb5af4(cbaf4) in /lib/libc-2.8.so/__poll ()
#01  pc 2aeb5c58(cbc58) in /lib/libc-2.8.so/ppoll ()
#02  pc 2ab2573c(3873c) in /usr/lib/.debug/libpulsecore-0.9.so/pa_rtpoll_run()
 #03  pc 2c06e058(1e058) in /usr/lib/pulse-0.9.22/modules/.debug/
libalsa-util.so/thread_func ()
 #04  pc 2ac63028(3c028) in /usr/lib/.debug/
libpulsecommon-0.9.so/internal_thread_func ()
 #05  pc 2add0730(6730) in /lib/libpthread-2.8.so/start_thread ()
#06  pc 2aebf594(d5594) in /lib/libc-2.8.so/__clone ()

      PC    Instructions around faulting address
 2aeb5ae4   e1a02005 e1a0a000 e1a00008 ef000000 2aeb5af4
 2aeb5af4   e3700a01 e1a03000 91a04000 8a000009 2aeb5b04
depth StackAdr     Content     Symbolname
     2c886be8  2c886ca4
     2c886bec  2afd3000
     2c886bf0  00000000
     2c886bf4  00000000
     2c886bf8  00015888(15888) in /usr/bin/.debug/pulseaudio
     2c886bfc  00071ff8
     2c886c00  2c886ca4
     2c886c04  2d0b6370(1a370) in
     2c886c08  2c886ca4
     2c886c0c  2d0a7cf4(bcf4) in /usr/lib/pulse-0.9.22/modules/.debug/
libprotocol-native.so/sink_input_process_msg ()
      2c886c10  00000001
     2c886c14  ffffffff
     2c886c18  00000002
     2c886c1c  00000002
     2c886c20  000267d8
     2c886c24  2aeb5adc(cbadc) in /lib/libc-2.8.so/__poll ()
     2c886c28  00000000
 #00 -------------------------------------------------------------
     2c886c2c  ffffffff
     2c886c30  000267d8
     2c886c34  00000002
     2c886c38  00000001
     2c886c3c  00000000
     2c886c40  2c886db8
     2c886c44  2aeb5c5c(cbc5c) in /lib/libc-2.8.so/ppoll ()
     2c886c48  00026e48
 #01 -------------------------------------------------------------
     2c886c4c  2ab12b20(25b20) in /usr/lib/.debug/
libpulsecore-0.9.so/pa_fdsem_before_poll ()
      2c886c50  2ab84700
     2c886c54  2aafb238(e238) in /usr/lib/.debug/
libpulsecore-0.9.so/pa_asyncmsgq_done ()
      2c886c58  00000000
     2c886c5c  00027810
     2c886c60  00000064
     2c886c64  00026ea0
     2c886c68  2ab84700
     2c886c6c  00000001
     2c886c70  00000000
     2c886c74  2c886db8
     2c886c78  2c886d9c
     2c886c7c  2aafc754(f754) in /usr/lib/.debug/
libpulsecore-0.9.so/pa_asyncq_write_before_poll ()
      2c886c80  2c886db8
     2c886c84  2ab244c4(374c4) in /usr/lib/.debug/
libpulsecore-0.9.so/asyncmsgq_read_work ()
      2c886c88  2c886cb0
     2c886c8c  2c886ca4
     2c886c90  00000000
     2c886c94  000469b0
     2c886c98  00026e48
     2c886c9c  00027810
     2c886ca0  00000064
     2c886ca4  000267b0
     2c886ca8  2ab84700
     2c886cac  2ab24410(37410) in /usr/lib/.debug/
libpulsecore-0.9.so/asyncmsgq_write_before ()
      2c886cb0  00000000
     2c886cb4  00000000
     2c886cb8  00000000
     2c886cbc  00071d28
     2c886cc0  0000000e
     2c886cc4  00071ff8
     2c886cc8  0000000c
     2c886ccc  00000000
     2c886cd0  00000000
     2c886cd4  000267b0
     2c886cd8  2ab84700
     2c886cdc  2ab25740(38740) in /usr/lib/.debug/
libpulsecore-0.9.so/pa_rtpoll_run ()
      2c886ce0  00000000
 #02 -------------------------------------------------------------
     2c886ce4  00000000
     2c886ce8  00000000
     2c886cec  000332c4
     2c886cf0  00000000
     2c886cf4  00033168
     2c886cf8  2c886dce
     2c886cfc  00000000
     2c886d00  00000000
     2c886d04  00000000
     2c886d08  00000000
     2c886d0c  00000000
     2c886d10  00000001
     2c886d14  00000000
     2c886d18  00000000
     2c886d1c  00000000
     2c886d20  000265d8
     2c886d24  2c06e05c(1e05c) in /usr/lib/pulse-0.9.22/modules/.debug/
libalsa-util.so/thread_func ()
      2c886d28  00002580
 #03 -------------------------------------------------------------
     2c886d2c  00033854
     2c886d30  00000000
     2c886d34  00000000
     2c886d38  2c887490
     2c886d3c  00000000
     2c886d40  2af26000
     2c886d44  2c087400
     2c886d48  2c07cf48(2cf48) in
     2c886d4c  2c07d00c(2d00c) in
     2c886d50  ffff5c30
     2c886d54  2af2703c
     2c886d58  2c07cfe0(2cfe0) in
     2c886d5c  2c886dc8
     2c886d60  2c07ce04(2ce04) in
     2c886d64  ffff4978
     2c886d68  00025aa0
     2c886d6c  2ac26530
     2c886d70  003d0f00
     2c886d74  ffff4300
     2c886d78  00000000
     2c886d7c  00000000
     2c886d80  00002580
     2c886d84  00027d60
     2c886d88  00000001
     2c886d8c  000266d8
     2c886d90  00000000
     2c886d94  00000000
     2c886d98  00025aa0
     2c886d9c  00028068
     2c886da0  00000000
     2c886da4  000012c0
     2c886da8  00000000
     2c886dac  00000000
     2c886db0  00000000
     2c886db4  00000000
     2c886db8  000004b0
     2c886dbc  2ac78468
     2c886dc0  003d0f00
     2c886dc4  00000000
     2c886dc8  00000002
     2c886dcc  00000000
     2c886dd0  2addc4c8(124c8) in /lib/libpthread-2.8.so
     2c886dd4  2ac78de4
     2c886dd8  00025aac
     2c886ddc  00025aa0
     2c886de0  2ac78468
     2c886de4  003d0f00
     2c886de8  2addc4c8(124c8) in /lib/libpthread-2.8.so
     2c886dec  00000000
     2c886df0  2addc4c8(124c8) in /lib/libpthread-2.8.so
     2c886df4  2ac6302c(3c02c) in /usr/lib/.debug/
libpulsecommon-0.9.so/pa_atomic_sub ()
      2c886df8  00000000
 #04 -------------------------------------------------------------
     2c886dfc  00000000
     2c886e00  00000000
     2c886e04  00000000
     2c886e08  00000000
     2c886e0c  00000000
     2c886e10  00000000
     2c886e14  2c887490
     2c886e18  2c887490
     2c886e1c  2add0688(6688) in /lib/libpthread-2.8.so/start_thread ()
     2c886e20  00000000
     2c886e24  2add0734(6734) in /lib/libpthread-2.8.so/start_thread ()
     2c886e28  2ade7000
 #05 -------------------------------------------------------------
     2c886e2c  2c887490
     2c886e30  2ade7000
     2c886e34  2c887490
     2c886e38  2add0688(6688) in /lib/libpthread-2.8.so/start_thread ()
     2c886e3c  00000152
     2c886e40  003d0f00
     2c886e44  2addc4c8(124c8) in /lib/libpthread-2.8.so
     2c886e48  00000000
     2c886e4c  2addc4c8(124c8) in /lib/libpthread-2.8.so
     2c886e50  2c886e28
     2c886e54  2add0700(6700) in /lib/libpthread-2.8.so/start_thread ()
     2c886e58  00000000
     2c886e5c  00000000
     2c886e60  00000000
     2c886e64  00000000
     2c886e68  00000000
     2c886e6c  00000000
     2c886e70  00000000
     2c886e74  00000000
     2c886e78  00000000
     2c886e7c  00000000
     2c886e80  00000000
     2c886e84  00000000
     2c886e88  00000000
     2c886e8c  00000000
     2c886e90  00000000
     2c886e94  00000000
     2c886e98  00000000
     2c886e9c  80000010
     2c886ea0  00000000
     2c886ea4  00000000
     2c886ea8  00000000
     2c886eac  00000000
     2c886eb0  00000000
     2c886eb4  00000000
     2c886eb8  00000000
     2c886ebc  00000000
     2c886ec0  00000000
     2c886ec4  00000000
     2c886ec8  00000000
     2c886ecc  00000000
     2c886ed0  00000000
     2c886ed4  00000000
     2c886ed8  00000000
     2c886edc  00000000
     2c886ee0  00000000
     2c886ee4  00000000
     2c886ee8  00000000
     2c886eec  00000000
     2c886ef0  00000000
     2c886ef4  00000000
     2c886ef8  00000000
     2c886efc  00000000
     2c886f00  00000000
     2c886f04  00000000
     2c886f08  00000000
     2c886f0c  00000000
     2c886f10  00000000
     2c886f14  00000000
     2c886f18  00000000
     2c886f1c  00000000
     2c886f20  00000000
     2c886f24  00000000
     2c886f28  00000000
     2c886f2c  00000000
     2c886f30  00000000
     2c886f34  00000000
     2c886f38  00000000
     2c886f3c  00000000
     2c886f40  00000000
     2c886f44  00000000
     2c886f48  00000000
     2c886f4c  00000000
     2c886f50  00000000
     2c886f54  00000000
     2c886f58  00000000
     2c886f5c  00000000
     2c886f60  00000000
     2c886f64  00000000
     2c886f68  00000000
     2c886f6c  00000000
     2c886f70  00000000
     2c886f74  00000000
     2c886f78  00000000
     2c886f7c  00000000
     2c886f80  00000000
     2c886f84  00000000
     2c886f88  00000000
     2c886f8c  00000000
     2c886f90  00000000
     2c886f94  00000000
     2c886f98  00000000
     2c886f9c  00000000
     2c886fa0  00000000
     2c886fa4  00000000
     2c886fa8  00000000
     2c886fac  00000000
     2c886fb0  00000000
     2c886fb4  00000000
     2c886fb8  00000000
     2c886fbc  00000000
     2c886fc0  00000000
     2c886fc4  00000000
     2c886fc8  00000000
     2c886fcc  2c8874d8
     2c886fd0  2c887490
     2c886fd4  2add0688(6688) in /lib/libpthread-2.8.so/start_thread ()
     2c886fd8  00000078
     2c886fdc  003d0f00
     2c886fe0  2addc4c8(124c8) in /lib/libpthread-2.8.so
     2c886fe4  00000000
     2c886fe8  2addc4c8(124c8) in /lib/libpthread-2.8.so
     2c886fec  2aebf598(d5598) in /lib/libc-2.8.so/__clone ()
     2c886ff0  00000000
 #06 -------------------------------------------------------------
     2c886ff4  00000000
     2c886ff8  00000000
     2c886ffc  00000000
     2c887000  00000000
     2c887004  00000000
     2c887008  00000000
     2c88700c  00000000
     2c887010  00000000
     2c887014  00000000
     2c887018  00000000
     2c88701c  00000000
     2c887020  00000000
     2c887024  00000000
     2c887028  00000000
     2c88702c  00000000
     2c887030  00000000
     2c887034  00000000
time to list this stack:0s  15423us ptrace_peektext=276
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
pid: 6857, tid: 6859
    r0 fffffdfc
    r1 00000002
    r2 ffffffff
    r3 00000000
    r4 00000001
    r5 ffffffff
    r6 00000002
    r7 000000a8
    r8 00036c60
    r9 00000000
   r10 00000000
    fp 00000000
    ip 000030ec
    sp 2d090c2c
    lr 2aecc2b8(e22b8) in /lib/libc-2.8.so/__libc_enable_asynccancel ()
    pc ffff0520
  cpsr 60000010

On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 5:24 PM, Baek Chang <baeksan at ccrma.stanford.edu>wrote:

> Running into a weird issue.  I am doing the following on 0.9.22 version of
> pulseaudio
> start pulseaudio, and play and audio file.
> when the file is done playing, after 5 seconds, the alsa sink suspends.
> then I let the system go to power collapse.
> When I resume and play an audio file again, alsa sink is blocked somewhere,
> I do not see the message
> I: alsa-sink.c: Trying resume...
> The PA_SINK_SET_STATE message doesn't seem to be called to the alsa sink.
> Alsa is not blocked at this point, I can do an aplay to hw:0 and hear the
> output, bypassing pulseaudio.
> here is an example from pulseaudio with debug messages enabled, after
> suspend/resume:
> aplay -D media /usr/palm/sounds/phone.wav -vvv &
> root at palm-webos:/var/home/root# I: client.c: Created 2 "Native client
> (UNIX socket client)"
> D: protocol-native.c: Protocol version: remote 19, local 19
> I: protocol-native.c: Got credentials: uid=0 gid=0 success=1
> D: protocol-native.c: SHM possible: yes
> D: protocol-native.c: Negotiated SHM: no
> Playing WAVE '/usr/palm/sounds/phone.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian,
> Rate 44100 Hz, Stereo
> D: module-suspend-on-idle.c: Sink pcm_output becomes busy.
> D: memblockq.c: memblockq requested: maxlength=33554432, tlength=0, base=4,
> prebuf=0, minreq=1 maxrewind=0
> D: memblockq.c: memblockq sanitized: maxlength=33554432, tlength=33554432,
> base=4, prebuf=0, minreq=4 maxrewind=0
> I: sink-input.c: Created input 0 "ALSA Playback" on pcm_output with sample
> spec s16le 2ch 44100Hz and channel map front-left,front-right
> I: sink-input.c:     media.name = "ALSA Playback"
> I: sink-input.c:     application.name = "ALSA plug-in [aplay]"
> I: sink-input.c:     native-protocol.peer = "UNIX socket client"
> I: sink-input.c:     native-protocol.version = "19"
> I: sink-input.c:     application.process.id = "3593"
> I: sink-input.c:     application.process.user = "root"
> I: sink-input.c:     application.process.host = "palm-webos"
> I: sink-input.c:     application.process.binary = "aplay"
> I: sink-input.c:     application.language = "C"
> I: sink-input.c:     application.process.machine_id = "palm-webos"
> I: protocol-native.c: Requested tlength=500.00 ms, minreq=124.99 ms
> D: protocol-native.c: Early requests mode enabled, configuring sink latency
> to minreq.
> D: memblockq.c: memblockq requested: maxlength=4194304, tlength=88200,
> base=4, prebuf=66152, minreq=9596 maxrewind=0
> D: memblockq.c: memblockq sanitized: maxlength=4194304, tlength=88200,
> base=4, prebuf=66152, minreq=9596 maxrewind=0
> I: protocol-native.c: Final latency 554.42 ms = 391.20 ms + 2*54.40 ms +
> 54.42 ms
> D: sink-input.c: SetVolumeWithRamping: Virtual Volume From 1646=0.000016 to
> 41160=0.247734
> D: sink-input.c: Sink input's soft volume is 41160= 0.247734
> D: sink-input.c: Volume Ramping: Point 1 is 1=0.000015, Point 2 is
> 16236=0.247742
> I: module-palm-policy.c: parse_message: ramp command received, sink is 4,
> volumetoset:70, headphones:0
> ALSA <-> PulseAudio PCM I/O Plugin
> Its setup is:
>   stream       : PLAYBACK
>   access       : RW_INTERLEAVED
>   format       : S16_LE
>   subformat    : STD
>   channels     : 2
>   rate         : 44100
>   exact rate   : 44100 (44100/1)
>   msbits       : 16
>   buffer_size  : 22050
>   period_size  : 5512
>   period_time  : 125000
>   tstamp_mode  : NONE
>   period_step  : 1
>   avail_min    : 5512
>   period_event : 0
>   start_threshold  : 22050
>   stop_threshold   : 22050
>   silence_threshold: 0
>   silence_size : 0
>   boundary     : 1445068800
> Max peak (11024 samples): 0x00002dd0 ########             35%
> Max peak (11024 samples): 0x0000332c ########             39%
> Max peak (11024 samples): 0x00003741 #########            43%
> D: protocol-native.c: Requesting rewind due to end of underrun.
> D: protocol-native.c: Requesting rewind due to end of underrun.
> Max peak (11024 samples): 0x0000353f #########            41%
> D: protocol-native.c: Requesting rewind due to end of underrun.
> D: protocol-native.c: Requesting rewind due to end of underrun.
> Just waits here forever.  Sink doesnt get resume call, and alsasink doesn't
> get resumed either
> Any ideas?
> --
> -baeksanchang

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