On Sat, 20.06.09 01:07, Jost-Philip Matysik (matysik at tu-harburg.de) wrote: > > Hi! > > Mark Greenwood wrote: > > > > Something I wondered about was whether it would be possible to give > > devices user-defined names. This would help specifically when network > > sinks are in use, so that I could send audio to 'Kitchen' instead of > > 'powermac snapper (00:10) on mac'... trips off the tongue a little > > easier, is all :) > > > > Mark > > Is there any news on this? For me it's just cosmetics, but I'm > sorry to report routing her audio from "PAPLAY:STDIN" to > "USB_0777:x3425" just to have music in the kitchen is something my > girlfriend won't accept as practical any time soon... We actually do our best to find a good high-level name for all devices. If this shows up weirdly like this please make sure that you USB device is properly known by usb.ids. If it isn't make sure to file a patch to that to make it well known. "lsusb" shows you the informatin from usb.ids Lennart -- Lennart Poettering Red Hat, Inc. lennart [at] poettering [dot] net http://0pointer.net/lennart/ GnuPG 0x1A015CC4