Lennart, You probably missed this but a while back someone posted a bunch of patches on IRC for NetBSD. Some of the patches are simple enough and it may be worth merging in the ones that make sense. I've not looked through them all and some will almost certainly need clarification etc. but some merged is better than none :) #pulseaudio.log-Dec 24 15:19:57 <jmcneill> Hi guys, just an FYI; I ported PulseAudio 0.9.13 to NetBSD and it will be part of the next official pkgsrc release. #pulseaudio.log:Dec 24 15:22:10 <jmcneill> Some patches available here: http://ftp.netbsd.org/pub/pkgsrc/current/pkgsrc/audio/pulseaudio/patches/ if anybody is bored. Col. -- Colin Guthrie gmane(at)colin.guthr.ie http://colin.guthr.ie/ Day Job: Tribalogic Limited [http://www.tribalogic.net/] Open Source: Mandriva Linux Contributor [http://www.mandriva.com/] PulseAudio Hacker [http://www.pulseaudio.org/] Trac Hacker [http://trac.edgewall.org/]