Using Pulseaudio 0.9.19 on gentoo amd64 Folks, I like to use "resample-method=src-snc-best-quality" for music (i upsample to 192k) and "resample-method=src-snc-medium-quality" for flash videos and videos. Until i figure out how to upsample gstreamer and flash to 192k (the latter of which is probably not possible) how can i switch back and forh forth from src-sinc-medium-quality to src-sinc-best-quality on the fly? Right now i'm changing the /etc/pulse/daemon.conf, ps aux to find the current pid and killing both pulseaudo and the gnome volume control each time. This is a pain. I've looked around for how to set up such profiles for a few days but i haven't found a way to do this. I'd rather not get into a discussion about *why* i want to upsample to 192k as such arguments among audiophiles are akin to emacs vs vi and kde vs gnome. Thanks for the help!