Pulse Jack module, dies sometimes on mpc toggle

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Lennart Poettering wrote:
> On Wed, 29.04.09 14:18, Ng Oon-Ee (ngoonee at gmail.com) wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm using module-jack-sink and module-jack-source such that Pulse is  
>> running above my Jack server. It doesn't give problems about half the  
>> time, but sometimes the sound from my mpd server just dies. This is  
>> because the pulse daemon has crashed and died (as shown by different PID  
>> of pulseaudio before and after this happens). I've tried to run  
>> pulseaudio in a terminal instead of daemonized, and in that situation I  
>> can almost guaruntee a crash almost as soon as I start playing, though  
>> if I start pulse with pulseaudio --start it seems to be able to work for  
>> a much longer period of time.
>> In case it matters, my default.pa does NOT load module-hal-detect,  
>> module-alsa-sink/source, or module-jack-sink/source, but the other  
>> default modules are loaded. I have two scripts, pulse-nojack and  
>> pulse-withjack, which would check for a running Jack server and  
>> start/kill depending on the needs of the situation, as well as  
>> load/unload the modules as needed.
>> I'm quite at a lost on how to analyze the situation, since there seems  
>> to be a difference between running pulseaudio --start (which if I'm not  
>> wrong is the same as pulseaudio, except it checks for a running daemon,  
>> which I can confirm does NOT exist before running the command) and just  
>> running pulseaudio.
> What ist the pulseaudio -vvvvv output when this happens? If this is a
> segfault, could you get me a stack trace please?
> http://pulseaudio.org/wiki/Community#BugsPatchesTranslationsx
> Lennart

Hi Lennart, yes it is a segfault. I can reproduce it regularly here on 
my laptop, will try in my office desktop when I get to work in a couple 
of hours time. Basically I start up pulseaudio (just with pulseaudio 
-vvvvv > pulselog.txt 2>&1), then my script uses pactl list to get a 
list of modules (checking whether alsa is loaded, in this case it isn't 
since its commented out from my default.pa), then starts up the Jack 
server with jackd and calls pactl load-module on both 
module-jack-sink/source. After that, I run paplay 
/usr/share/sounds/alsa/Rear_Center.wav, and pulse dies AFTER playing the 
sound. I include with this email my gdb stack trace, at the end of which 
I'm left in gdb and quit using q, not sure what the *etc, etc* in the 
wiki means.
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