We only accept contributions under real-names, so you need to use your real first + lastname here.
I'm thinking about what to do here. I generally don't use my real name online.
Also the GUID you are using: #define ACER_LED_METHOD_GUID "7A4DDFE7-5B5D-40B4-8595-4408E0CC7F56" Is the same one as used by another recent patch for adding keyboard LED zones support for Acer laptops: https://lore.kernel.org/platform-driver-x86/CAMW3L+24ZGowtpURUbjoCoA+eZMF0wDae1izxS+HM2uz1L9Rig@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/ I've added Jafar to the Cc here. So it looks like we have 2 people working on the same driver, please coordinate between the 2 of you to submit a single driver.
I looked at that driver and our hardware seems very different (mine doesn't have any support for the special effects, for example). I agree that we should likely collaborate, even if that's just to ensure this driver works on more hardware.
All these lines can be replaced by a single: module_wmi_driver(acer_led_driver); statement.
I already submitted a V2 fixing this among other things, sorry abou
module_wmi_driver(acer_led_driver); statement.
I already submitted a V2 fixing this among other things, sorry about that. Do you know if there's anything I could've done to make it more discoverable?