I'm currently trying to debug an application where I can have too many
temporary ip used, and get a `PJETOOMANY` due to a too long list
returned by `pj_ice_strans_enum_cands`
After some digging, I see on problematic devices (running the app during
some days) a lot of DEPRECATED flags as described in RFC 2462:
Sure, I can remove deprecated addresses after calling
`pj_ice_strans_enum_cands` and this will work... partially.
In fact, `pj_ice_strans_start_ice` is also problematic because it calls
`pj_ice_sess_create_check_list` which will do a for loop over ice->lcand
and this will also return `PJETOOMANY`.
I don't think there is a way to ignore deprecated ips here. Is it a way
to do that? If not is it planned?
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