Checked in src code: In ice_session.c, method pj_ice_sess_create() to create a ICE session, has below code block:
if (local_ufrag == NULL) {
ice->rx_ufrag.ptr = (char*) pj_pool_alloc(ice->pool, PJ_ICE_UFRAG_LEN); pj_create_random_string(ice->rx_ufrag.ptr, PJ_ICE_UFRAG_LEN); ice->rx_ufrag.slen = PJ_ICE_UFRAG_LEN; } else { pj_strdup(ice->pool, &ice->rx_ufrag, local_ufrag); } if (local_passwd == NULL) { ice->rx_pass.ptr = (char*) pj_pool_alloc(ice->pool, PJ_ICE_UFRAG_LEN); pj_create_random_string(ice->rx_pass.ptr, PJ_ICE_UFRAG_LEN); ice->rx_pass.slen = PJ_ICE_UFRAG_LEN; } else { pj_strdup(ice->pool, &ice->rx_pass, local_passwd); } PJ_ICE_UFRAG_LEN is defined in config.h as below: #ifndef PJ_ICE_UFRAG_LEN
# define PJ_ICE_UFRAG_LEN 8 #endif The problem is that in RFC5245 ( ) the minimal length of ice-pwd is 128 bits.
So this should be a bug which need to be fixed .
Thanks. Jackson 发件人: Morgan Chen <jacksonchenjp@xxxxxxxxxxx>
发送时间: 2017年12月28日 11:52 收件人: pjsip@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 主题: ice-pwd is too short, RFC5245 need at least 128 bits of randomness
Hi, PJSIP experts,
I am new to PJSIP, now I am trying to make call using SIP to WebRTC.
I am using MicroSIP to simulate SIP client, and using latest Chrome/Firefox for WebRTC side.
>From PJSIP Datasheet page,
PJSIP should support ICE protocol RFC5245 ( )
And from RFC 5245 Page 76(section 15.4: "ice-ufrag" and "ice-pwd" Attributes)
The ice-ufrag and ice-pwd attributes MUST be chosen randomly at the
beginning of a session. The ice-ufrag attribute MUST contain at
least 24 bits of randomness, and the
ice-pwd attribute MUST contain
at least
128 bits of randomness.
But from captured packet in Wireshark, the length "ice-pwd" generated in pjmedia is less than 128 bits, only 8 char actually, refer to attached screenshot for details.
The sample ic-pwd is just 8 char.
ice-pwd is too short here, the browser side rejected this.
can help to explain this ?
your support in advance.
New Year.
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