Hello I know this is a very common problem, but the test wizard seems to be able to find the audio hardware as the PJSYSTEST_RESULT.TXT shows at the begining of the test, but then it fails when trying to use the device. I published a pastebin http://pastebin.com/VnVqQFBQ with the output of the tests and also added the contents of my /etc/asound.conf file, aplay -l and speaker-test outputs which (the later two) run succesfully. I've ben researching the Trac wiki articles and in many sites such as stackoverflow, cubieboard related forums and right now I'm going trough pjsip mailing list archives, not beign able to find a solution. Any help or pointers will be appreciated, feel free to ask for any details I may have missed to provide. -- Kind regards Ernesto Celis de la Fuente http://expressit.celisdelafuente.net