What is master port and port zero ?

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Hi Manmeet

I'm talking about client now :)
1. These 2 master_port terminology seems to confuse users :(
2. So what is "pjmedia_conf->master_port" internally used for ?

On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 6:22 PM, Manmeet Singh <manmeets at gc-solutions.net>wrote:

>  Hello Khoa,
> Sorry I answered in just my context only. Basically I was answering your
> question keeping in mind that you may be looking at developing a server, so
> in case of server you may be running numerous conferences and you cannot
> keep sound port as zero port for all the conferences. You do need sound
> port to play sound on machine incase you are running a client and
> conferencing with multiple parties with their calls landing on your system.
> pjmedia_conf->master_port (in conference.c) is used internal to
> conference, where as pjmedia_master_port (in master_port.c) is used for
> controlling the start and stop of conference mixing by using
> pjmedia_master_port_start and pjmedia_master_port_stop respectively and
> other similar functions.
> Regards
> Manmeet
> On 01/29/2013 04:37 PM, Khoa Pham wrote:
> Hi Manmeet, sorry for asking so many questions :)
>  1. PJMEDIA_CONF_NO_DEVICE means we don;t need sound device to play audio
> ?
> 2. In this link
> http://www.pjsip.org/pjmedia/docs/html/group__PJMEDIA__CONF.htm, they said
> "If PJMEDIA_CONF_NO_DEVICE options is specified, no sound device will be
> created in the conference bridge.
>  Application MUST acquire the port interface of the bridge by calling
> pjmedia_conf_get_master_port(), and connect this port interface to a sound
> device port by calling pjmedia_snd_port_connect(), or to a master port
> (pjmedia_master_port) if application doesn't want to instantiate any sound
> devices."
> Why should we get master port, then connect to master port ?
>  What is the difference between pjmedia_conf->master_port (in
> conference.c) and pjmedia_master_port (in master_port.c) ?
> On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 2:56 PM, Manmeet Singh <manmeets at gc-solutions.net>wrote:
>>  Hello Khoa,
>> Please find my answers inline below.
>> Regards
>> Manmeet
>> On 01/29/2013 12:32 PM, Khoa Pham wrote:
>> Hi Manmeet,
>>  1. In this link
>> http://www.pjsip.org/pjmedia/docs/html/group__PJMEDIA__MASTER__PORT.htm,
>> they say there are 2 ports connecting to Master Port, what are they ?
>> As mentioned in the document, the two ports are for media streams.
>> Imagine the 2 ports as pipes with their other ends connected to
>> clients/files/voice processors and the master port as pump connecting the
>> two streams/port together, it pulls data from one stream and pushes it onto
>> the other.
>>  2. In file conference.c, "pjmedia_conf" structure, there is field
>> "pjmedia_port *master_port"
>> And in master_port.c, there is structure "pjmedia_master_port". Are they
>> related ?
>>  Yes, when you create a conference with PJMEDIA_CONF_NO_DEVICE option, an
>> internal master port is created and attached to the conference, now to
>> start and stop the mix, you need to start and stop the master port. Below
>> code snippet is taken from pjsip-apps/src/samples/confbench.c
>>     status = pjmedia_conf_create( pool,
>>                   PORT_COUNT,
>>                   CLOCK_RATE,
>>                   1, SAMPLES_PER_FRAME, 16,
>>                   *PJMEDIA_CONF_NO_DEVICE*,
>>                   &conf);
>>     if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
>>     app_perror(THIS_FILE, "Unable to create conference bridge", status);
>>     return 1;
>>     }
>>     conf_port = pjmedia_conf_get_master_port(conf);
>>     /* Create master port */
>>     status = pjmedia_master_port_create(pool, null_port, conf_port, 0,
>> &master_port);
>>     pjmedia_master_port_start(master_port);
>>     ........
>>     ........
>>     pjmedia_master_port_stop(master_port);
>> On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 1:56 PM, Manmeet Singh <manmeets at gc-solutions.net
>> > wrote:
>>>  Hello Khoa,
>>> Port zero is port in the conference. It could be Master Port or Sound
>>> Port depending on what option you provided when calling
>>> pjmedia_conf_create.
>>> Regards
>>> Manmeet
>>> On 01/29/2013 12:19 PM, Khoa Pham wrote:
>>> Hi Manmeet,
>>>  So Sound Device Port uses sound hardware clock, and Master Port uses
>>> Clock Generator ?
>>> And in 1 conference bridge, there should be only 1 of these 2 Ports ?
>>>  In this link
>>> http://www.pjsip.org/pjmedia/docs/html/group__PJMEDIA__CONF.htm, they
>>> said
>>> "Under normal operation (i.e. when PJMEDIA_CONF_NO_DEVICE option is NOT
>>> specified), the bridge internally create an instance of sound device and
>>> connect the sound device to port zero of the bridge.
>>>  If PJMEDIA_CONF_NO_DEVICE options is specified, no sound device will
>>> be created in the conference bridge.
>>> Application MUST acquire the port interface of the bridge by calling
>>> pjmedia_conf_get_master_port(), and connect this port interface to a sound
>>> device port by calling pjmedia_snd_port_connect(), or to a master port
>>> (pjmedia_master_port) if application doesn't want to instantiate any sound
>>> devices."
>>>  What is port zero? If port zero is Master Port, then Sound device is
>>> connected to Master Port ??
>>> On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 12:33 PM, Manmeet Singh <
>>> manmeets at gc-solutions.net> wrote:
>>>>  Guys,
>>>> Please correct me here if I am wrong in any point. I have been studying
>>>> PJSip for sometime now but I may have many incorrect assumptions when
>>>> trying to connect the dots. :)
>>>> Hello Khoa,
>>>> In conferencing, the way it works port zero would either be Sound
>>>> Device Port or Master Port. These are attached for a reason, both these
>>>> ports have a unique property, they provide clock/timing to the media they
>>>> connect to. Other media ports by design are passive, they would not push
>>>> the conference to take their buffers and mix them for other parties to
>>>> listen. Sound card interfaces require callbacks which either provide
>>>> recorded voice in buffer or while playing a buffer when finished would ask
>>>> for next buffer.
>>>> Sound card has callbacks and on similar pattern media port internally
>>>> has an instance of Clock Generator, so for the conference mixing to happen
>>>> you need to have one of these added to the conference.
>>>> If you have any further queries or if any of my points above are not
>>>> clear, please do let me know.
>>>> Regards
>>>> Manmeet
>>>> On 01/28/2013 10:24 PM, Khoa Pham wrote:
>>>> Hi Manmeet,
>>>>  I've read those 3 links. please explain to me what is the relation
>>>> among sound device port, master port, and port zero.
>>>>  On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 8:37 PM, Manmeet Singh <
>>>> manmeets at gc-solutions.net> wrote:
>>>>>  Hello Khoa,
>>>>> If following links don't clarify things then please do let me know.
>>>>> Then I'll try and give you a snapshot of the complete scenario of how the
>>>>> conference is designed in pjsip.
>>>>> snd_port
>>>>> http://www.pjsip.org/pjmedia/docs/html/group__PJMED__SND__PORT.htm
>>>>> master_port
>>>>> http://www.pjsip.org/pjmedia/docs/html/group__PJMEDIA__MASTER__PORT.htm
>>>>> port
>>>>> http://www.pjsip.org/docs/latest-2/pjmedia/docs/html/group__PJMEDIA__PORT.htm
>>>>> The media clock/timing extends the media port concept that is
>>>>> explained in Media Ports Framework<http://www.pjsip.org/docs/latest-2/pjmedia/docs/html/group__PJMEDIA__PORT.htm>.
>>>>> When clock is present in the ports interconnection, media will flow
>>>>> automatically (and with correct timing too!) from one media port to another.
>>>>> There are few objects in PJMEDIA that are able to provide clock/timing
>>>>> to media ports interconnection:
>>>>>    - Sound Device Port<http://www.pjsip.org/docs/latest-2/pjmedia/docs/html/group__PJMED__SND__PORT.htm>
>>>>>    The sound device makes a good candidate as the clock source, and
>>>>>    PJMEDIA Portable Sound Hardware Abstraction<http://www.pjsip.org/docs/latest-2/pjmedia/docs/html/group__PJMED__SND.htm>
>>>>>     is designed so that it is able to invoke operations according to
>>>>>    timing driven by the sound hardware clock (this may sound complicated, but
>>>>>    actually it just means that the sound device abstraction provides callbacks
>>>>>    to be called when it has/wants media frames).
>>>>>    See Sound Device Port<http://www.pjsip.org/docs/latest-2/pjmedia/docs/html/group__PJMED__SND__PORT.htm>
>>>>>     for more details.
>>>>>    - Master Port<http://www.pjsip.org/docs/latest-2/pjmedia/docs/html/group__PJMEDIA__MASTER__PORT.htm>
>>>>>    The master port uses Clock Generator<http://www.pjsip.org/docs/latest-2/pjmedia/docs/html/group__PJMEDIA__CLOCK.htm>
>>>>>     as the clock source. By using Master Port<http://www.pjsip.org/docs/latest-2/pjmedia/docs/html/group__PJMEDIA__MASTER__PORT.htm>,
>>>>>    it is possible to interconnect passive media ports and let the frames flow
>>>>>    automatically in timely manner.
>>>>>    Please see Master Port<http://www.pjsip.org/docs/latest-2/pjmedia/docs/html/group__PJMEDIA__MASTER__PORT.htm>
>>>>>     for more details.
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Manmeet
>>>>> On 01/28/2013 06:53 PM, Khoa Pham wrote:
>>>>> Thanks Gaurav for the prompt reply, I've already read that link.
>>>>> "A master port has two media ports connected to it". What are those 2
>>>>> media ports?
>>>>> In "pjmedia_conf" structure, there are "master_port", "snd_port" and
>>>>> "ports" list, how are they related ?
>>>>>  On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 8:15 PM, Gaurav Srivastava <
>>>>> gaurav.srivastava2 at agnity.com> wrote:
>>>>>>              Hi Khoa,
>>>>>>             Please go through the link
>>>>>> http://www.pjsip.org/pjmedia/docs/html/group__PJMEDIA__MASTER__PORT.htm
>>>>>>             In case not fruitful, please let me know.
>>>>>>             Thanks and Regards,
>>>>>>             Gaurav
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> *From:* pjsip [mailto:pjsip-bounces at lists.pjsip.org] *On Behalf Of *Khoa
>>>>>> Pham
>>>>>> *Sent:* Monday, January 28, 2013 6:33 PM
>>>>>> *To:* pjsip list
>>>>>> *Subject:* [pjsip] What is master port and port zero ?
>>>>>> When reading conference bridge on pjsip.org/pjmedia/docs, I see
>>>>>> these 2 port. What are they, are they the same ?
>>>>>> When running pjsua_app, I use "cl" command to list port in conference
>>>>>> bridge, I see
>>>>>> pjsua_var.mconf->master_port->info->name = "Wave mapper"
>>>>>> pjsua_var.mconf->ports[0]->name = "Wave mapper"
>>>>>> pjsua_var.mconf->ports[1]->name = "ringback"
>>>>>> pjsua_var.mconf->ports[2]->name = "ring"
>>>>>> pjsua_var.mconf->ports[3]->name = "sip:voip1 at freesipserver.com"
>>>>>> And it says ports[0] is transmitting to port[3], and port[3] is
>>>>>> transmitting to ports[0]
>>>>>> Any answer is highly appreciated, thanks in advance.
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Khoa Pham
>>>>>> HCMC University of Science
>>>>>> Faculty of Information Technology
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>>>>>  --
>>>>> Khoa Pham
>>>>> HCMC University of Science
>>>>> Faculty of Information Technology
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>>>>> Visit our blog: http://blog.pjsip.org
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>>>>  --
>>>> Khoa Pham
>>>> HCMC University of Science
>>>> Faculty of Information Technology
>>>  --
>>> Khoa Pham
>>> HCMC University of Science
>>> Faculty of Information Technology
>>  --
>> Khoa Pham
>> HCMC University of Science
>> Faculty of Information Technology
>  --
> Khoa Pham
> HCMC University of Science
> Faculty of Information Technology

Khoa Pham
HCMC University of Science
Faculty of Information Technology
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