Hi, I subscribed to this mailinglist to report something I?ve seen happening in my traces of several calls made with an iOS version of a PJSIP based client. Some of the calls in our traces (all happen to be from PJSIP based client on iOS) have a malformed value in the Content-Length header. See example: HEX: 43 6f 6e 74 65 6e 74 2d 4c 65 6e 67 74 68 3a 20 36 20 20 33 33 39 0d 0a Decoded: C o n t e n t - L e n g t h : 6 3 3 9 \r \n As you see it will print a 6 as first character of the length value. Most SIP header parsers will fail on this header. Even wireshark will not be able to decode this properly and malforms the presentation of the SDP. Things I?ve noticed/observed: In the occasions I?ve found in my traces, te value differs from 1 to 10, but the most common value is 6. I?ve noticed this error in the INVITE messages (contains an SDP, so Content-Length > 0). It?s almost always in an INVITE (+AUTH +SDP) which responds to a 401 Unauthorised. I did see it happen on the first INVITE too. I?ve found this error on different instances of the PJSIP client for iOS. It?s not just one instance/device that?s off. My guess is that it?s caused by using an incorrectly initialised memory space for storing the value but my C-knowledge is not sufficient to properly assess the code. It could be an ARM/iOS SDK specific issue too. Does anybody have an idea what might be going on? Best regards, Tom