PJSIP_INV_STATE_DISCONNECTED not received when callee disconnects call

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Thanks for sharing your findings, Samuel.

I've finally solved the issue. I'm not sure if we have the same issue
though. In my case, it turned out that I was querying for the call status
too late. I have my own event/subscriber system that I use to communicate
call events to my app. What I originally did was only store the call_id in
the event payload. The idea is to leave the subsystems that are interested
in those events to query for the state on-demand. When the event eventually
reaches its subscriber (who could be on a different thread), the call might
have already been disconnected, so the call_id becomes invalid, and hence,
when the state is quered, it is PJSIP_INV_STATE_NULL. Essentially, the
problem is, I was querying for the call state too late.

What I now do is query for the call state immediately after the pjsip
callback is triggered, and I include it in the event payload. This is a much
better approach anyways (and more correct).

Hope this helps you.


On Sun, Jun 5, 2011 at 3:58 PM, Samuel Vinson <samuelv at laposte.net> wrote:

>  Hello,
> I continued my investigation. I made my tests with OpenSIPS 1.6.3-notls and
> pjsip svn branch 1.x
> The issue appears when pjsip (iPhone) calls only. And not when the pjsip
> (iPhone) receives a call.
> In fact in our case we place a call with many codecs, so the message size
> is bigger than 1300 bytes. And the RFC 3261 tells that we have to switch to
> TCP (extract from 'sip_config.h'/'sip_util.c')
>  * RFC 3261 section 18.1.1:
>  * If a request is within 200 bytes of the path MTU, or if it is larger
>  * than 1300 bytes and the path MTU is unknown, the request MUST be sent
>  * using an RFC 2914 [43] congestion controlled transport protocol, such
>  * as TCP.
> In the next messages, the server and device continue to use TCP. And in
> this case the server doesn't send BYE message.
> I don't know:
>     - whether the server has to continue using TCP, and not UDP,
>     - why the server doesn't send BYE message with TCP connection
> For the moment we have several solutions
>     - reduce the number of codec
>     - use compact form (global variables
> pjsip_use_compact_form/pjsip_include_allow_hdr_in_dlg/pjmedia_add_rtpmap_for_static_pt)
>     - increase the UDP size threshold (define PJSIP_UDP_SIZE_THRESHOLD)
>     - force to use UDP (define PJSIP_DONT_SWITCH_TO_TCP)
> If someone has an other idea or an opinion/advice, I'm interested.
> Regards
> Samuel
> Le 02/06/11 23:57, Samuel Vinson a ?crit :
> Hello,
> I confirm your issue, and it's present in ipjsua too.
> But it's very weird, because:
>     - if the iphone calls someone, and someone ends the call, the
> PJSIP_INV_STATE_DISCONNECTED message is not triggered by the iPhone
>     - if someone calls the iphone, and someone ends the call, the BYE
> message is triggered by the iPhone.
> I use the last version of svn branch 1.x.
> Regards
> Samuel
> Le 01/06/11 09:14, Dia Kharrat a ?crit :
> Hi,
>  We're implementing a voip-based iphone app, and I'm facing a situation
> where I'm not receiving the call state PJSIP_INV_STATE_DISCONNECTED event
> when the callee disconnects the call (on a PSTN). When I tried testing out
> the ipjsip sample iphone app provided in the SDK, I noticed that it receives
> the disconnect event properly. So, it seems like I'm missing something in my
> code. Comparing how the sample app does things did not yield anything that
> stands out from how we're using pjsip. Does anyone happen to know why
> PJSIP_INV_STATE_DISCONNECTED would not be triggered? I receive the other
> events properly, so it's very strange. Any pointers as to where to look
> would be appreciated.
>  Thanks,
> Dia
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