Dear All, I have tried porting pjsip on symbian, I have some test, it okie, but have some problems when making call on 3G Here is list of test case I have done: Caller Callee Result WIFI WIFI OK WIFI 3G NOTOK ( signaling is okie but can not hear anything) 3G WIFI NOTOK( signaling is okie but can not hear anything) 3G 3G NOTOK( signaling is okie but can not hear anything) ( I used sipserver ) I am setting USE_ICE in symbian_ua.cpp is 0, so that I wonder that Is it make me can not hear anything?, Have anybody help me to fix it? If it caused by USE_ICE, so show me How to config ICE for pjsip on symbian. Thank so much, ---------------------------------------------------------------- This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.