Call CANCEL from PJSIP_INV_STATE_CALLING state doesn't work

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Am 07.09.2010 00:40, schrieb Benny Prijono:
> The behavior is expected, and is inline with the SIP spec. If call
> gets established after CANCEL is sent, then we'll let it continue to
> get established, and it is then user or app decision whether to
> continue or not. If not, then it should call hangup() one more time.

As pjsua (pj sip USER AGENT) API is a very high-level API I think the 
SIP stack itself should send BYE in such a race condition.


> We may change this behavior in the future though to make it do like
> what you want, though there's no definite plan for this yet. Patches
> would be welcome of course.
> Best regards,
>   Benny
> On Mon, Sep 6, 2010 at 11:29 PM, Viktor Krikun<v.krikun at>  wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> Writing some unit tests for my pjsua-based app I discovered an issue in call closing from CALLING state: Alice calls Bob, on switching to PJSIP_INV_STATE_CALLING Alice cancels the call (pjsua_call_hangup). As result the call never get canceled.
>> That what I learned from Alice's logs:
>> 1.  Tx INVITE
>> 2. pjsua_call_hangup() says "Delaying CANCEL since no provisional response is received yet"
>> 3. Rx 1XX (100 or something, ready to send CANCEL)
>> 4. Tx CANCEL
>> 5. Rx 200 OK. Note: SDP included multiple codecs.
>> 6. Tx ACK for the INVITE
>> 7.PJSUA says "Got answer with multiple codecs, start updating media session to use only one codec.." reINVITE initiated
>> 8. Rx 200 OK  for the CANCEL
>> 9. Rx 100 Ringing, Rx 200 OK, Tx ACK (for the new, reINVITE  SIP dialog )
>> In result we have new SIP Session established (after re-invite to negotiate single codec) which wouldn't be canceled.
>> PS: full logs are attached.
>> Have I missed something?  Thanks for your help in advance!
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