Hello everyone I have little question.. I want create application with pjsua API which can change init parameters like: SIP port, RTP port, bound address, public address, outboubound proxy etc.. without restarting aplication. According API documentation i must follow these steps: this as first 1) pjsua_create() i want use pool for strings 2) pjsua_pool_create() here i inittializing pjsua with parameters like STUN server, Outboud proxy etc... 3) pjsua_init(); settings for public address, bound address and SIP port 4)pjsua_transport_create settings for RTP port 5)pjsua_media_transports_create 6) pjsua_start(); ...aplication is running but now i want change some parameters. e.g.: SIP port, outbound proxy and bound address.. i call 7) pjsua_destroy(); but when i call this API everything is destroyed. pool and logs are not usable too.. exist some other API which do not destroy pool and "state" after function pjsua_create() ? thanks