Hello All, In the directory pjproject-1.0.1\tests\pjsua,you have kept files like scripts-call, scripts-media-playrec,scripts-pres etc. 1) I have seen a C:\pjproject-1.0.1\tests\pjsua\scripts-pesq. below written lines are used for G722. Is there anything related to Encoding and decoding functions of G722 codec intergrated with PJMEDIA-Codec library. # $Id: 200_codec_g722.py 2063 2008-06-26 18:52:16Z nanang $ # from inc_cfg import * ADD_PARAM = "" if (HAS_SND_DEV == 0): ADD_PARAM += "--null-audio" # Call with G722 codec test_param = TestParam( "PESQ codec G722", [ InstanceParam("UA1", ADD_PARAM + " --max-calls=1 --add-codec g722 --clock-rate 16000 --play-file wavs/input.16.wav"), InstanceParam("UA2", "--null-audio --max-calls=1 --add-codec g722 --clock-rate 16000 --rec-file wavs/tmp.16.wav --auto-answer 200") ] ) pesq_threshold = 3.7 2) Basically,I want to test my application ie evrc codec intergrated with PJMEDIA-CODEC Library. How could I test it ? Please let me know if you have little bit of experience with it. -- Thanks & Regards. Sameer Prajapati