Hello, I'm working on a connection between a pjsip application and cisco callmanager express. I'm currently trying to get DTMF messages from the CCME to my application but have so far had no success. Now as far as i understand it, pjsip supports detection of incoming DTMF messages only via the SIP-Info method. CCME prefers to use a proprietary SIP-notify method, so I would guess the pjsip doesn't support this? Currently, during call setup, debug info from the CCME shows that the chosen method of sending DTMF messages is in-band. The CCME indicates it's preferred method is SIP-Notify, but pjsip tells it to use in-band. My main question: How can I change the prefered way of pjsip to SIP-Info, or Notifiy if that happens to be supported? Thanks in advance, David