Hi, I have been using pjsip on Windows Vista and outgoing audio is too bad (stuttering, not usable). I must admit that on XP quality is really good with latest version from trunk. I see that you have an opened ticket (404) about it, but I really need to fix it because more and more Vista as default OS. I saw that sipxtapi team seems to have found a fix for this. http://scm.sipfoundry.org/viewsvn/sipX/branches/sipXtapi/sipXmediaLib/includ e/mp/dmaTask.h?view=markup&pathrev=9905 or http://www.mail-archive.com/sipxtapi-dev at list.sipfoundry.org/msg02026.html Can someone please help me find where to have a look in order to tune it? Regards, Patrick?SMARZYNSKI