Hello folk! I'm a student and I'm doing a research on the NAT traversal problem in order to achieve a direct p2p communication. After the study of the relative RFC and Drafts, I've come to a solution for my project, and now I'd like to use the pj_libraries for NAT traversal. I've studied yet the version 0.8 of pjstun_client (in order to perform NAT detection), but now I've to go further and try to traverse the NAT. I wished to use UDP Hole Punching, and ICE seems to work even better because realize a UDP hole punch with the exchange of both local and mapped address: is all right or I'm wrong? My probem is that I don't know how to start using ICE after performing the detection. Moreover, thanks to the changes made in the APIs version 0.9, I need to modify the first part of the code... and a lot of attributes are lost (like PJ_STUN_ATTR_REMOTE_ADDR, PJ_STUN_SET_ACTIVE_DESTINATION_REQUEST, PJ_STUN_ATTR_REQ_PORT_PROPS..). Would you please clarify me those aspects? Could anyone explain me how to proceed? I think that: I've to start with the pj_ice_strans_create(), and then call the pj_ice_strans_init_ice() and finally pj_ice_strans_start_ice(). Is that all right? And what about the pj_ice_strans_cfg_default() and pj_ice_strans_send_to()? Shall I've to call the pj_ice_strans_cfg_default() from within the pj_ice_strans_init_ice()? I hope anyone would clarify me the libraries... Posta, news, sport, oroscopo: tutto in una sola pagina. Crea l'home page che piace a te! www.yahoo.it/latuapagina