Hi! I'm geting the following error when trying to blindtransfer a call: File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/pjsua.py", line 1612, in transfer Lib._create_msg_data(hdr_list)) SystemError: error return without exception set I'm calling the transfer function with this argument: "sip:1235 at x.x.x.x". However, if I call the transfer function with just "1235", I don't get the error, but Asterisk complains: get_refer_info: Can't transfer to non-sip: URI. (Refer-to: 1235)? I guess this is happening because "1235" is not a valid SIP URI, but when I call it with "sip:1235 at x.x.x.x", I get the obove error... Is this a bug? -- Sa?l -- "Nunca subestimes el ancho de banda de un cami?n lleno de disketes." ---------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.saghul.net/