I fixed the problem for my application, I had the other IP address inside my "/etc/hosts" file... anyway, I don't know if there is really a problem with the API since it didn't use the ip I was choosing. I dont know how the pjsua_transport_confi works... Thiago Paiva Flores > Hi all, > > I'm having pretty weird behaviour in my application. > It was running with no problems until I decided to > move it from one machine to another. Now it gets a > wrong ip address to listen for incoming calls and > rtp/rtcp sockets. I'm using UDP transport and the > api > version 0.8.0 downloaded from the site (not svn). It > gets one ip address that has nothing to do with my > machine or even the network... my network begins > with > 201.73.xxx and it is getting one ip from the network > 200.139.xxx. The only relationship between them is > that my dns server is in the 200.139.xxx network, > but > that I already had in my old machine (where the > application works fine). I still have the old > machine > working, so I know that the application is working > fine in there and I also tested in different > machines > and it works fine... just this one machine (the one > that I need) gives me some problems... > > I tried to put the address in the > pjsua_transport_config, but it solved only half the > problem... Now it listens for incomming calls in the > correct ip, but the rtp/rtcp sockets are still in > this > other ip. I've set both public_addr and bound_addr > to > the ip of my machine (the 201.73.xxx). This wrong ip > (200.139.xxx) is not in my routing table or in any > other network configuration that I could find > here... > just to make things clear, my dns server is in the > same network as this ip address (the wrong one) but > it > is different, so the application is getting one IP > from I_dont_know_where... my machine is in a public > network directly, so it is not behind any firewall. > > I'm running a debian etch (4.0) system. > > all help is very welcome, > > Thiago Paiva Flores > > > Abra sua conta no Yahoo! Mail, o ?nico sem > limite de espa?o para armazenamento! > http://br.mail.yahoo.com/ > > _______________________________________________ > Visit our blog: http://blog.pjsip.org > > pjsip mailing list > pjsip at lists.pjsip.org > http://lists.pjsip.org/mailman/listinfo/pjsip_lists.pjsip.org > Abra sua conta no Yahoo! Mail, o ?nico sem limite de espa?o para armazenamento! http://br.mail.yahoo.com/