On 11/8/07, Eagle I Martin Baranski <eagle3386 at googlemail.com> wrote: > [100.0%] mingw32-gcc.exe -LC:\MinGW\lib > -LC:\MinGW\lib\gcc\mingw32\3.4.5 -o ..\bin\pjsua_vc8d.exe > output\pjsua-i386-win32-vc8-debug\src\pjsua\pjsua_app.o > output\pjsua-i386-win32-vc8-debug\src\pjsua\main.o -s -s -lIphlpapi > -ldsound -ldxguid -lnetapi32 -lmswsock -lws2_32 -lodbc32 -lodbccp32 > -lole32 -luser32 > output\pjsua-i386-win32-vc8-debug\src\pjsua\pjsua_app.o: In function `my_atoi': > M:/pj-sip/pjsip-apps/src/pjsua/pjsua_app.c:359: undefined reference to > `pj_strtoul' Ok, you're past compile problems now and on to linking problems. So 'undefined reference' errors are usually to do with the libraries you have compiled not being referenced. You can see the '-l' arguments does not specify pjxxxx libraries anywhere. On http://www.pjsip.org/trac/wiki/Getting_Started_Using there are some hints on what libraries are needed. You need to add those somewhere in your IDE to the libraries that needs to be linked. Cheers, -- Perry Ismangil