Re: Sort of soap+msbin1 (.NET Binary XML) implementation?

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David Zülke ha scritto:
On 21.04.2010, at 10:47, EleGoS wrote:

I have to manage a SOAP client/server data flux, acting as a proxy, using the content-type soap+msbin1. I have to send via curl the SOAP data, and then to receive the output and turn it back in print (still as binary data). I've tried with sever allways to hanlde this binary XML stream, with no success (the data itself breaks and the server doesn't receive the correct stream). I also need to decrypt the data which comes from the curl exec, but I have no idea on how to do that.

I know there is no current implementation of this proprietary binary, but I found the specifications on the MSDN website. Still have no clue on how to implement a .net binary xml read/write class.

Here is the MSDN documentation on it:
I have really no clue on where to start =\

May you please help me starting implementing such class? Just the input, "the boring work" must be made by myself I know :)

If you want to implement a client that uses the binary protocol, you just need to override SoapClient::__doRequest() where you can convert between binary and "normal" XML:

If you want to implement a server that handles the binary protocol, it's probably easiest to convert the binary data to XML and pass it to SoapServer::handle().

- David

Thank you for your reply!
In these days I've tried "mapping" the messages with bin2hex and substituting the known hex values to logs, I found that most of the hex codes are not only "elements" hex codes, they are characters too. So I come in trouble to decide what's a msbin1 token and what's not. How can I handle this? Any ideas?

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