Re: SoapVar and Encoding

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I too have run into the "SOAP-ENC:STRUCT" problem when using the arrays.
This is why I showed you an alternative way of building the payload.
Unfortunately it looks like this form could not be supported with SOAP
ext, as far as I know. Anyway, I will investigate further and let you
know if I happen to find a solution.


Roine Edmundsson wrote:
Thanks for the reply, it helps but dont quite solve the problem that I
have. Though it was a reply to solve the precise layout I had written
down. The scenario is a bit more complex though and I will do a better
job to explain it this time.
The XML snippet was a part of the message I am trying to pass and not
the complete message. The complete part have a layout like this. ----- <ns1:whatWeWannaDo>
    ... cut some stuff

	 <lineItem> -- 1 to n amount of lineItems
<lineItem> <name>A</name>
<lineItem> <name>A</name>

As you can see there can be 1 to n amount of lineItems and then I have
created classes for this in the following fashion. Only writing down the
variables with names and not the creating functions.
class whatWeWannaDo

class baseOne
  ... some stuff

class baseTwo
  $lineItem = array();

class lineItem

And when instantiating this I use
$bOne = new baseOne();
$bOne->setVals(... vals);

$bTwo = new baseTwo();
while(-- we have more lineItems -- )
  $item = new lineItem()
  $item->setValues(A, B, C);
  bTwo->lineItem[] = new SoapVar($item, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, '', '');

$bOne = new SoapVar($bOne, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, '', '');
$bTwo = new SoapVar($bTwo, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, '', '');

$whatWeWanna = new whatWeWannaDo($bOne, $bTwo)
$whatWeWannaDo = new soapVar($whatWeWannaDo, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT,
'whatWeWannaDo', 'namespace');


----- As you can see from the above snippet/stub there should be no
specifically set namespace on the parts below <ns1:whatWeWannaDo>.

And the problem I get with this is that instead of getting the layout as
described above I get the following.
    ... cut some stuff

	 <lineItem> -- 1 to n amount of lineItems

This do more detailed describe my problem. Where I do not know how to
store the 1 to n amount of lineItems in another way then an array to get
them all stored. And the array aint translated into lineItem parts but
one part with SOAP-ENC:STRUCT parts below it.

Any suggestions on how to solve this?
And the WSDL that demands this format is out of my control and
automagically generated by JBoss.

All any any suggestions on how to solve this issue is appreciated. Did a
try with nusoap aswell, which worked to the extent that it put the
structure correct but lost the namespace instead.
And since it was time to upgrade from php4 to php5 this looked like a
good solution for it. Though having some kinx as you can see.
/Roine Edmundsson

On 30 January, 2008 - Samisa Abeysinghe wrote:

I am not sure of the exact code that you are using. However, it is possible to produce the exact payload that you want using SoapVar and SoapParam. I have shown how to do this "using php5 and the built in soap functionality" here -

Hope this helps.


Roine Edmundsson wrote:
Hello there, I was wondering if anyone have found a solution to this problem.
I am currently experiencing the same behaviour and can't really find the
solution to the problem. I have complex type sequence of the structure as follows.

When building this the base is a class with an array itemsLine created in
it. ANd the class itemsLine contains the variables name, type, form and
The way I do it at the moment is to create and instance of the class,
populate the variables, make a SOAP variable of it with SoapVar and then
push it onto the array in the base class. Then before making the call I make a SoapVar from the base class.
And then everything is created fine except the stuff in the array that is
wrapped in a faulty manner. precisely as shown below.
Anyone that know of a solution to this problem or it is just not meant to
be? Would appreciate any help that can be given. Ohh, using php5 and the built in soap functionality.

Jörg Werner wrote:

I have exactly the same problems with this xml-lists and SoapVar. I dont
find any solution. I need that the Response is in my special namespace.
And for that I need the Class SoapVar to set the namespace.

Is there an other way to handle the namespace from the response?

If I use the Class SoapVar my xml-lists was rewritten from:

to the following Code:


the namespaces was removed too.

What can I do?

Thank for your help and best greetings,

Jörg Werner

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