first of all I'm a total newbie to SOAP so excuse me if I missed
something obvious.
I have to access a .net service from a php client.
Lot's of problems with authentication and in general with different
First request pointer to work specifically with .net from php, best
practices and commonpitfalls.
Second and most important. Right now this is what I do:
$client = new SoapClient( "http://their.site.cpm/WSPA/WSpr.asmx?WSDL",
array('trace' => 1 ) );
$auth->Username = "a_user";
$auth->Password = "xxx";
$authvalues = new SoapVar($auth, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, null, null, null,
"http://site.it/webservices/Pre"); // trying to force the nodes namespace
$object = $client->getStartMap( );
this is what gets to the other side:
Note that the username and password nodes don't have a namespace. The
..net service dies on this.
I don't seem to manage to get it in there some how. And I don't know if
php is right or .net ...
but this page of the php manual
has some contributed code VERY SIMILAR to what I have and there the
|ObjectParameter node has its namespace set.
Only difference is I am working in the header.
I am working with php 5.1.6 from the zend package bundle for Oracle on
fedoracore 5.
thanks in advance
Alberto Olindo
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