dtra wrote:
hi all
i'm having an issue with some soap code i'm trying to run
it keeps coming back with uncaught soap exception even though i have it
running inside a try catch block
$sc = new SoapClient($strWsdlUrl);
try {
$strID = $sc->getId($strTempSessionID);
catch (SoapFault $strException) {
print 'failed';
when i run the script from the command line without the
$strTempSessionID variable
it does catch the exception
but when i run the script from a web browser without the
$strTempSessionID variable
it says uncaught exception
i have tried catching with Exception, I have tried both individually as
well as together
sorry, exceptions never were my strong point
can anyone help me out?
nm, the problem was that mmcache was preventing php from handling any
exceptions at all
we set up the .htaccess file and it is working now
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