WSDL 1.1 recommends that you do not use attributes, but just elements. On Wed, 2004-10-13 at 15:17 +0200, Stefan Reimers wrote: > Hi folks, > > I need some help on a XML Schema problem that should be quite easy to solve: > > I am currently working on a set of identical client, that shall > communicate with each other via NuSOAP. They share data from a > relational database and I use a XML Schema for mapping the relational to > XML data and back. > > Now I have made a schema and experienced the following problem: > > imagine you have an element which is of simpleType: > > <xs:element name="thing" type="xs:string"/> > > this element shall have an attribute, so I extend the element, making a > complexType: > > <xs:element name="thing" type="xs:string"> > <xs:complexType mixed="true"> > <xs:attribute name="info" type="xs:string" use="required"/> > </xs:complexType> > </xs:element> > > My intention was to create a element like this: > > <thing info="foo">bla</thing> > > The problem is, my validator tells me, I cannot declare the type > "string" to my "thing" anymore, which seems logical because I converted > it to a complex type. The mixed="true" ensures that I can fill the > element with "bla". So I skipped the type of the element thing. > But I need to be sure, that the "bla" is a string anf e.g. no integer. > > Anyone's got a clue how to get sure the "thing" is a string? > > thx in advance > Stefan >