Both Scenerios making proxy call to .net/MSSOAP WSDL
Scenerio 1
When I consume a .net/MSSOAP service involving passing of 1 parameter as string type, it returns correctly on both NuSOAP and PEAR:SOAP.
Scenerio 2
When I consume a .net/MSSOAP service involving passing of 20 parameters where the first parameter is 'short', it either timeout, or hang without going further, or complaining that the SOAPMAPPER is having problem the 'short', Potential Typemapper problem.
Any hint?
Rgds, chiacy
Christian Wenz wrote:
"Chia, Chin Yau" wrote:
Care to share with us your experience connecting to .Net server using pear soap? I bumped into problems when trying to connect to .net server, either reply with timeout, or generated php errors.
from my experiences, PEAR::SOAP -> .NET currently only works if you use WSDL. However then, it works fine (of course it always helps just to use simple data types ;-) ).
Best, Christian
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