Requesting Attachments with WSDL Support

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Hi !

I am trying to generate a binary and send it immediately back to a
requesting client where I need to save it for futher work.

The first problem is, that I wasn't able to find code snippets or examples
that tell me, how to use wsdl. There's only the simple version without any
WSDL bindung, but I need it, because I am requesting with a with a
Java-Client (which will be a server itself for another php-client).

Second question : which datatyp is needed to be set up in the wsdl,
(respective the out value for dispatch_map, because i am already generating
my wsdl out of the service to be used for type-enforcements by other
php-clients). I am currently using base64Binary. (the binary will be
converted to string representation, so maybe I ll have to use that as type

Third : assumptive I *can* use wsdl-support for sending, how may I set up
the method (DIME or MIME) for encoding in that mode. I am asking, because in
the simple mode, I ll provide the namespace in the call method, too. I am
not clear, where to put that information, if I use the other mode. DIME is
the default ? Should I use that mode for sending ? I know, it s more
efficient and there s more support for it (well, i hope, axis on java does
it, too, guess, I read that already somewhere, but didn t test it, yet)

I already tried a simple version, I got from a book and it worked fine with
small text files. (Client uploads a file, makes a SOAP Attachment out of it
and sends it as DIME to a server. The server does nothing but returning this
Attachment). Then I set the SOAP_Attachment MIME-Type to
application/octet-stream and tried the same with a ZIP. I sent it to the
Server and printed it out with var_dump and printr. Well the file came back,
but also a SOAP Fault, telling me, that the message wasn't well-formed. I
also catched the messages with a TCPMonitor and there, the messages seemed
to be ok. 

(And here s the most important problem for me :(     )
Well, this was only a test, after that, I was surely trying to get at least
this simple example working with my live-generated ZIP File from my
File-generating Server (described some lines above). I was very shocked,
because I only got an "Invalid HTTP-Response Message", the var_dump, printr
and Pear Error commands brought no further information for me. And, the
TCPMonitor showed the Request for the file from client, but only a white
page for the answer (also no HTTP-Header or anything like that). 

Same goes for a test I made with a wsdl-chained version, I supposed to be
right -> "Invalid HTTP-Response".

It would be very nice, if someone could provide some code-snippets for me
(and if the line for the correct saving of the received binary is appended,
too, it would be a but nicer :). 

Thanx for your help in advance !!



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