I've been playing with 3 different PHP SOAP libraries but am not sure which one to settle on.
The 3 are PEAR::SOAP, PHP-SOAP and NuSOAP.
I find them all excellent and all easy to use.
I'd like to use is the one which will become the 'standard' SOAP library for PHP developers in the future.
Am I right to think it will be PHP-SOAP ?
Maybe there is no answer. Perhaps all 3 will be around for keeps and all 3 could be called 'standard' and
it's all a matter of personal preference.
I'd like to invest my code into the one which is most popular so that I can write code for others to use
and use others code without having to change it to suit the SOAP I'm using.
Your thoughts on this would be most appreciated. Thanks Kind regards Rudi.
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