I am trying to setup a cross reference database query for the first time. What I am trying to do is have a table with the structure: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `frequently_accessed_passages_of_scripture_cross_reference` ( `reference` int(5) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `cross_reference_article_1` int(3) NOT NULL, `cross_reference_article_2` int(3) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`reference`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ; If the content theme (based on auto_increment values) is listed in either cross_reference_article_1 OR cross_reference_article_2 then the counter part article will be a result so I may offer an “Also available:” type link on the web page. My attempt at the UNION ALL query is below. I am receiving the error “Every derived table must have its own alias” I am unsure of how to interpret this and correct the situation. Thanks for your help. Ron SELECT cross_reference_article_2 FROM ( SELECT `cross_reference_article_2` FROM `frequently_accessed_passages_of_scripture_cross_reference` WHERE `cross_reference_article_1` = 1 ) UNION ALL ( SELECT `cross_reference_article_1` FROM `frequently_accessed_passages_of_scripture_cross_reference` WHERE `cross_reference_article_2` = 1 ) AS cross_reference_view_result The Verse of the Day “Encouragement from God’s Word” http://www.TheVerseOfTheDay.info