Re: Re: Need help-Send email

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Is this related to PHP-DB?
Anyways, if I understands it correctly is that mail() is working but the
client is categorizing the mail received into the SPAM folder.This might
means your issue is not longer on that mail(), but on the your
mail-client filters.


nagendra prasad wrote:
> Hi all,
> Below is the code that I have coded after replies from all of you. But
> before that I want to thank all of you for your help. I have coded the email
> code but still it is giving me an error. Please help me.
> <?php
> //sending email script
> $to = "example@xxxxxxxxx";
> $subject = "Email from admin";
> if ($_POST['submit'])
> {
> //get data from form
> $name = $_POST['name'];
> $message = $_POST['message'];
> if ($name&&$message)
> {
> $namelen = 20;
> $messagelen = 300;
> if (strlen($name)<=$namelen && strlen($message)<=$messagelen)
> {
>   //everything is ok
>   ini_set("SMTP", "");
>                $to = "example@xxxxxxxxx";
>                $subject = "Email from admin";
>                $header = "from: example@xxxxxxxxx";
>                $body = "Email from $name \n\n $message";
>                mail($to,$subject,$body,$header);
>                die();
> }
> else
> die ("Max length of name is $namelen, and max length for message is 300");
> }
>  else
>  die("you must enter a name");
> }
> ?>
> <html>
>       <form action='sendemail.php' method='POST'>
>             Name: <input type='text' name='name' maxlenght='20'><br>
>             Message: <br><textarea name='message'></textarea><p>
>             <input type='submit' name='submit' value='Send an email'>
>       </form>
> </html>
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Also I have simplified the code by just using the email() function but the
> problem is its sending the mail in the SPAM. The code is below :
> <?php
> $to = "example@xxxxxxxxx";
> $subject = "Test mail";
> $message = "Hello! This is a simple email message.";
> $from = "example@xxxxxxxxx";
> $headers = "From: $from";
> mail($to,$subject,$message,$headers);
> echo "Mail Sent.";
> ?>

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