Hi Tobias and thanks,
this looks like what we are trying to get at. I can see that PDO is
distributed with Zend Core, which looks promising. From your own
experience, is PDO here to stay and evolve?
Thank you,
Tobias Franzén wrote:
Hi Radek,
Are you looking for something like the fetchAll function?
Radek Zajkowski wrote:
Hi all,
we've trying to write a wrapper class that would execute a prepared
statement and return obtained dataset/resultset to the calling script.
It would:
1. Prepare statement
2. execute
3. call something like $stmt->store_result(); (which we could assing
to a var or return)
4. return the results set
however, there seems to be no method or property representing tables
inside the $stmt var
In .NET, for example (please don't spit), you can get at the results
by accessing e.g. DataSet.Tables["TableName"].
How do we do that in PHP5?
Many thanks,
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