I'm not I was clear in my question. A query returns 1,000 rows from the
table. I want to store the entire result of that query in order to be
able to create separate pages to return the results rather than all on
one page "e.g. Page 1 2 3 4 ... ". Not sure if it's important but I'm
using persistent connections.
ben@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Robert wrote:
I want to store the results of a SELECT query in order to be able to
page through those results and allow the user to select one, see it
in more details and then return to the original list of results.
What's the usual technique for doing this?
place a get variable after the query as it is listed in some table in
html, then the link for the entry will be identifying the data such
that a second handler page or second query can funish the additional
data ;-)
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