I am trying to solve this. My server support made this test script:
if (mail("bluehost@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx","test php mail()","test php
mail()","From: Bluehost Test <bluehost@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>"))
print "Working.";
print "Failed.";
I tried this many time and had the following experience (it will be the
same for Firefox):
various delays occurred not specifically noted
page not found
refreshed - page not found
refreshed - page not found - noted pause in page returning
re-submit - 'working'
re-submit - 18 times - on 18th time blank page then page not found
refresh- 'working' on try 19
refresh, try 20, blank page, refreshes to page not found on IE
refresh 3 times - page not found each time
refresh another time - 'working'
refresh - blank page refreshes to page not found in IE
refresh - 'working'
refresh- blank page refreshes to page not found in IE
refresh twice - same - works first time then blank and refreshes to page
not found with message bar fleeting message about dnserror
page not found
'working' x 6 refreshes
then error, page not found, message bar about ieframe..dnserror.htm
pattern continues on refreshes...
dnserror.htm - is that a clue ?
What could this be?
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