Re: 2 queries --> 1 array

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Ok, in your original message you said something about using the name as dominant key (or whatever you want to call it).  All the SQL does is gather all the data together in an associated fashion.  You can use the array you build to organize the data.   I'm still not 100% sure what you're doing, so I can't say this is the best way, but let's look at the exampe I gave and change it to hopefully suit your last description:

$name = $row['NAME'];
$business = $row['BUSINESS'];
$address = $row['ADDRESS'];
$city = $row['CITY'];
$phone = $row['PHONE'];
$contactname = $row['CONTACT_NAME'];
$contactvalue = $row['CONTACT_VALUE'];

// $bigarray[$name][$contactname] = $contactvalue;

$bigarray[$contactname][$name] = $contactvalue;

foreach ($bigarray['Supplier'] as $name => $value) {
  echo "Supplier: $name has CONTACT_VALUE = $value<br>\n";

There may be an elegant way to do what you want in SQL too, I'm just not fully groking the situation I think.


>   $name = $row['NAME'];
>   $business = $row['BUSINESS'];
>   $address = $row['ADDRESS'];
>   $city = $row['CITY'];
>   $phone = $row['PHONE'];
>   $contactname = $row['CONTACT_NAME'];
>   $contactvalue = $row['CONTACT_VALUE'];
>   $bigarray[$name][$contactname] = $contactvalue;

= = = Original message = = =

yeah..that is what i'm trying to do, but

I need to query WHERE contact_name='Supplier' and bring back the value for
               query WHERE contact_name='RANO' and bring back the value for
               query WHERE contact_name='Dynamic' and bring back the value
for contact_value
               query WHERE contact_name='PrevSys' and bring back the value
for contact_value
                        Which are all different rows in the second table....
with the same ID field
thats how they are linked to the first table



----- Original Message -----
From: <tg-php@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <php-db@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: <mferry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, January 12, 2007 4:26 PM
Subject: Re:  2 queries --> 1 array

> Not sure if this is exactly what you're looking for, Matt, but I think it
> <?php
> $query = "SELECT t1.NAME, t1.BUSINESS, t1.ADDRESS, t1.CITY, t1.PHONE,
t2.CONTACT_NAME, t2.CONTACT_VALUE FROM Table1 as t1, Table2 as t2 WHERE
t1.ID = t2.CONTACT_ID"
> $result = mysql_query($query);
> while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) 
>   // to make it easier to read, I'll assign the values to variables for
this demonstration
>   $name = $row['NAME'];
>   $business = $row['BUSINESS'];
>   $address = $row['ADDRESS'];
>   $city = $row['CITY'];
>   $phone = $row['PHONE'];
>   $contactname = $row['CONTACT_NAME'];
>   $contactvalue = $row['CONTACT_VALUE'];
>   $bigarray[$name][$contactname] = $contactvalue;
> $JoeBrownPrevsys = $bigarray['Joe Brown']['Prevsys'];
> ?>
> If that's not right, please re-describe the problem and let's see what we
can figure out.
> If you have questions about what/how/why/etc...  feel free to ask.
> -TG
> = = = Original message = = =
> Hello,
> I need to query two different tables and create one "BIG" array.
> I can query both tables, but can't find a way to combine the results in
one array.
> The problem comes in with the second table.  It has a weird layout.
> The second table only has four fields. They are:  contact_id,
contact_owner, contact_name, and contact_value
>   a.. The 'contact_id' needs to be linked to 'id' field from the first
>   b.. The contact_name is a field I need to use to reference what i'm
looking for.
>                     example... contact_name HAS values of RANO, PrevSys,
Supplier, Dynamic
>                     each of them has the same contact_id different
contact_names with different contact_values
> To query the second table I do something like this:
> SELECT contact_value FROM egw_addressbook_extra WHERE
contact_name='Supplier' and contact_id=' XXX'
> The xxx is the ID from the first table.
> -----------------------------------------
> Table 1:
> ID                    NAME                    BUSINESS
ADDRESS                CITY                         PHONE
> 1                  John Smith                Smith's Phone Co.         100
Main St              Someplace               555-5555
> 2                  Joe Brown                 Brown's Shoe Store        105
Grant St.            This City                  555-0001
> Table 2:
> CONTACT_ID                                CONTACT_NAME
CONTACT_VALUE                                CONTACT_OWNER
>       1                                                 PrevSys
NONE                                                            4
>       1                                                 RANO
100102                                                           4
>       1                                                 Supplier
TrueValue                                                       4
>       1                                                 Dynamic                                                     4
>       2                                                 PrevSys
OLD POS SYS                                                 4
>       2                                                 RANO
100105                                                             4
>       2                                                 Supplier
Orgill                                                                4
>       2                                                 Dynamic                                                   4
> I want to query both  tables and create a array.  The extra fields from
table two need to have their own field in the array.
> I need to call those extra fields in the array by the contact_name
> example....   $myrow[supplier] $myrow[PrepSys] $myrow[name]
> I have tried alot of stuff to get this done, but i think i was very off
> Some help/guide is needed.... I'm new!!!!
> Thanks...
> Matt

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