Zbigniew Szalbot wrote:
Hello again,
On Thu, 26 Oct 2006, Chris wrote:
In the error log I can see this: Use of undefined constant is_admin -
assumed 'is_admin' in /path_to_file.
I bet you have something like:
You need quotes around that, or else (as you've seen) php thinks it's
a constant:
A really quick and dodgy fix would be to turn error reporting down -
but you should fix it properly.
That fixed the error. Thank you very much!
I am still not able to log in. I am sure this is not the issue of me
entering wrong login/password.
This is the code in the program that uses authorization:
if ( eregi('/admin/',$REQUEST_URI) || eregi('/workers/',$REQUEST_URI) )
if(!isset($PHP_AUTH_USER) || !$id_worker=getWorkerID($PHP_AUTH_USER,
Header( "WWW-authenticate: basic realm='Workers of SGM only'");
Header( "HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized");
echo "You must enter a valid login ID and password to
access this system\n";
You'll need to change:
The former variables are ok before 4.2.0 (where register_globals was off
by default I think) but now they have moved to the $_SERVER super-global.
Read http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.variables.predefined.php
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