Hello, let me ask you something. I have a problem with mysql_error() function after using mysql_connect(). Please look at thiese two examples: <Example 1> $link = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pswd) or die("Could not connect to $host because: " . mysql_error()); </Example 1> <Example 2> $link1 = mysql_connect($host1, $user, $pswd) or die("Could not connect to $host because: " . mysql_error()); mysql_select_db($db, $link1); // ... and here the code is going // to query the selected DB // Then I need to connect to another DB $link2 = mysql_connect($host2, $user, $pswd) or die("Could not connect to $host because: " . mysql_error()); // ... and here the code is going to work // with another connection to another database </Example 2> QUESTION and PROBLEM: The first example work excelent, so when for example bad password is given, the output is: "Could not connect do _HOST_ because: Access denied for user '_USER_'@'%'" (or something like it) Lets have a look on the second example: Lets say, that first connection works perfectly, so all quiries are well done. But lets say, that second connection has wrong user/password given. Then the error output is: "Could not connect to _HOST2_ because:" The error message for second connection request is not given back to the PHP. Or as I suppose, mysql_error takes last error message from last used ESTABLISHED connection (it means from $link1) and since in this connection was everything ok, it puts empty string as a result of mysql_error function. What can I do to get really last error message from mysql server? Last error message is dedicated to last mysql_connection function, but since $link2 is not established it is not given as a result of mysql_error function. Can anybody help me, how to get "really last" error message that is dedicated to last connection request? Thanks a lot for any advice. Honza Spurny -- PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php