I am creating a submit button on the fly. The purpose of this is to open up a new browser window and then display the contents of a PDF file. The code for this button reads: <input type='button' value='Psalm 91' onclick="window.open('index.php?request=view_prayer_ministry_document&document_reference=1','prayer_ministry_document_viewer','width=800,height=600,toolbars=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes');"> The window name is prayer_ministry_document_viewer I am trying to access document_reference 1 which is in a mySQL table. mysql_connect(localhost,$username,$password); @mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database"); $query="SELECT * FROM prayer_ministry_documents WHERE reference = '$document_reference'"; $document_result=mysql_query($query); mysql_close(); $document_file_name = mysql_result($document_result,0,"document_file_name"); #now here I start to get the contents of the PDF file to display $lineArray = file($document_file_name); // make an empty variable first $document_contents_to_display = ""; // concat all array element foreach($lineArray as $eachLine) { $eachLine = wordwrap($eachLine); $document_contents_to_display .= $eachLine; } #when I try to display it the PDF it displays it as text with the various ASCII characters --- #what I am doing wrong / what is the correct way to do this #I know I could simply specify the file name / path following the window.open ... but I am trying to see if I am able to accomplish the same results this way. echo $document_contents_to_display; ?> Ron