Hi, im working on a php file that its supposed to retrieve data from a mysql database, to send it to a flash animation to show the results. Thing is that im testing some modifications to the code, so if there is more than one entry, it shows all the results. For some reason probably a mistake on the code im getting this output when i try the muestra.php file on the browser: n=1&Hora0=17:30:43&Apellido0=garofalo&Id0=6&Dia0=28&Mes0=9&Ano0=2005&Nombre0=cristian&Destinatario0=martan=1&Hora0=17:30:43&Apellido0=garofalo&Id0=6&Dia0=28&Mes0=9&Ano0=2005&Nombre0=cristian&Receptor0=marilun=1&Hora0=17:30:43&Apellido0=garofalo&Id0=6&Dia0=28&Mes0=9&Ano0=2005&Nombre0=cristian&Destinatario0=martan=1&Hora0=17:30:43&Apellido0=garofalo&Id0=6&Dia0=28&Mes0=9&Ano0=2005&Nombre0=cristian This might not be wrong, but when i show info on the flash animation i get eg: Apellido0=garofalo , i dont want to get the n=x on the output, its supposed to be just an internal thing to tell flash that for the variable Apellido(lastname) there is more than one result and then to show all of them. This is the php code: <?php $conn = @mysql_connect("localhost", "blah", "blah23"); if (!$conn) { echo( "<P>No se pudo conectar " . "al servidor MySQL.</P>" ); exit(); } if (! @mysql_select_db("llamadas") ) { echo( "<P>No se puede encontrar " . "la base de datos clientes!</P>" ); exit(); } $qr = mysql_query("select * from datos"); $nrows = mysql_num_rows($qr); $rString = "n=".$nrows; for ($i=0; $i < $nrows; $i++) { $row = mysql_fetch_array($qr); $rstring .= "&Id".$i."=".$row['id']; $rString .= "&Dia".$i."=".$row['dia']."&Mes".$i."=".$row['mes']."&Ano".$i."=".$row['ano']; $rString .= "&Hora".$i."=".$row['hora']."&Minutos".$i."=".$row['minutos']; $rString .= "&Receptor".$i."=".$row['receptor']. $rString .= "&Destinatario".$i."=".$row['destinatario']. $rString .= "&Apellido".$i."=".$row['apellido']. $rstring .= "&Nombre".$i."=".$row['nombre']; $rstring .= "&Telefono".$i."=".$row['telefono']; $rstring .= "&Asunto".$i."=".$row['asunto']; } echo $rString; mysql_free_result($qr); ?> Also, i was told that including password and user to connect to mysql server sholdn´t be shown on the php file, so i have to use include_one and the file, but i don´t know exaclty the syntax, can anybody help me with it? Thanks in advance. ___________________________________________________________ 1GB gratis, Antivirus y Antispam Correo Yahoo!, el mejor correo web del mundo http://correo.yahoo.com.ar -- PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php