Seriously, how many times are you going to send this email to the
list? I've seen it at least 5 times now in the past day, all the same
email under slightly different FROM and subjects. Send an email once.
If someone can answer, they will.
On Sep 28, 2005, at 10:18 AM, Hal McFarlane wrote:
Is it possible to use a complex collection in PHP as shown below?
Oci_new_collection is successful, but the OCI-Collection->getElem(i)
returns false for each record returned. If we change from a complex
to a simple type, the data returns as expected.
create or replace type aud_cl_clu_row
as object
channel_line_up varchar2(50),
audit_status varchar2(20)
create or replace type aud_cl_clu_tbl is table of aud_cl_clu_row;
create or replace type aud_cl_clu_tbl is table of varchar2(50);
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