Morning all,
I am having problems understanding what I need to do. Usually for most of my work, all i need to do is pull the information and place it like this:
function office_list(){ global $link; echo "<table><tr>"; $sql = "SELECT town FROM offices"; $result = mysql_query($sql, $link); while ($array = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $office = $array['town']; $state = $array['state']; $zip = $array['zip']; echo "<td>$office</td> <td>$state</td> <td>$zip</td>"; } echo "</tr></table>"; }
But now I need to separate the information in order to build a more complex table. I do not understand how to obtain each cell. I have a fixed number so it will never change.
I thought multidimensional arrays came as array[0][0], but when i try
$office = $array['town'][0]
I just get the first letter of that office. If someone could point me in the right direction I'd greatly appreciate it. I think I just do not know the terminology I am looking for. The PHP manual keeps brining me to pages that are not what I need.
Thank you,
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