RE: MySQL Subquery problems...

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	Yup...  Thanks, I just discovered that myself.  Thankfully the
docs have instructions on how to write a subquery for earlier versions
that don't support subqueries.

Scott Nipp
Phone:  (214) 858-1289
E-mail:  sn4265@xxxxxxx
Web:  http:\\

-----Original Message-----
From: Bastien Koert [mailto:bastien_k@xxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 9:35 AM
To: NIPP, SCOTT V (SBCSI); php-db@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE:  MySQL Subquery problems...

only mysql 4.1+ supports subqueries..if you version is lower it won;t


>From: "NIPP, SCOTT V (SBCSI)" <sn4265@xxxxxxx>
>To: <php-db@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Subject:  MySQL Subquery problems...
>Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2005 09:25:36 -0600
>	I am working with one of our Oracle DBAs to have him try and
>help me get a couple of queries working.  The problem is that in
>at the documentation for MySQL it seems that what we are attempting
>should work.  Unfortunately, it doesn't.  Here is what we are trying...
>mysql> SELECT CPU_Hostname FROM AllMid_Data
>     -> WHERE CPU_Hostname NOT IN
>     -> (SELECT hostname FROM exclusion);
>ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax.  Check the manual
>corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use
>near 'SELECT hostname FROM exclusion)' at line 3
>	This is an error returned from the mysql client.  Any help would
>be most appreciated.
>Scott Nipp
>Phone:  (214) 858-1289
>E-mail:  sn4265@xxxxxxx
>Web:  http:\\
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