Can you post your code up and tell us what system you are using?
Balwant Singh wrote:
dear bastien
thanks for the reply... but i checked it again but it is giving only
1970-01-01. is something else needs to be done.
with best wishes
On Mon, 2005-01-31 at 19:46, Bastien Koert wrote:
This code :
$timestamp = "Fri Jan 28 19:53:09 2005";
$date = date("Y-m-d",strtotime($timestamp));
echo $date;
gave me this result
Exactly as it should.
From: Balwant Singh <balwantsingh@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: balwantsingh@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
To: Bastien Koert <bastien_k@xxxxxxxxxxx>
CC: php-db@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: timestamp
Date: 31 Jan 2005 10:02:04 +0530
I tried strtotime also but getting 1970-01-01 not 2005-01-28. my
problem is that the date is given to me in string format i.e.Fri Jan 28
19:53:09 2005. Any other help will be appreciated.
with best wishes
On Sat, 2005-01-29 at 22:45, Bastien Koert wrote:
$date = date("Y-m-d",strtotime($timestamp));
Best thing to use if you want to do calcs on date/time data is to use
unix time stamp...translates the timestamp into seconds since
01-01-1970...Much simpler to use in sql queries
From: Balwant Singh <balwantsingh@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: balwantsingh@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
To: php-db@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: timestamp
Date: 29 Jan 2005 19:47:35 +0530
i am facing a problem
i have timestamp in string format --> Fri Jan 28 19:53:09 2005 now i
want to get the date from it. is it possible? pls. help. on using
strftime("%D",$timestamp) it is giving 01/01/70. May pls. help me.
Also pls. let me know whether calculation can be done in mysql on this
string timestamp. pls. inform.
with best wishes
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