Hi guys: Thanks in advance for your help. I am newby in this PHP stuff and I've got quite a problem here, and I?ve spent several days (and nights) trying to solve this problem. I am trying to manage a many to many relationship in a web database application. I have three tables: tbl_project (which contains the name of a development project), tbl_Contraparte(which contains the name of the organisations which manage the project) and tbl_ProyOrg (which contains two fields: proy_id and OrgSigla) and is the join table for the many2many relationship. I have created a form for the tbl_project table with all the data referring to the project. Into this form I´ve personalized some code (I have fetched from internet) to create a table which dynamically creates new rows into the tbl_ProyOrg table (in the client side using JavaScript) with a drop down box, so the page do not needs to reload every time the new row is created. As you will see my problem stands in populate the select box with a query from a MySql database made using PHP into the JavaScript function. You can find the code following: Thanks a lot Best regards, Alvaro. OS: Linux Debian Sarge Apache: 2.0 PHP: 4.3.10-2 Mysql: 4.1.8 <!--Here starts the code--> <?php $hostname_monitoreo_conn = "host"; $database_monitoreo_conn = "database_name"; $username_monitoreo_conn = "username"; $password_monitoreo_conn = "password"; $monitoreo_conn = mysql_pconnect($hostname_monitoreo_conn, $username_monitoreo_conn, $password_monitoreo_conn) or trigger_error(mysql_error(),E_USER_ERROR); ?> <?php mysql_select_db($database_monitoreo_conn, $monitoreo_conn); $query_rs_contraparte = "SELECT orgSigla FROM tbl_02Contraparte ORDER BY orgSigla ASC"; $rs_contraparte = mysql_query($query_rs_contraparte, $monitoreo_conn) or die(mysql_error()); $row_rs_contraparte = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs_contraparte); $totalRows_rs_contraparte = mysql_num_rows($rs_contraparte); ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-html401-19991224/loose.dtd"> <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="monitoreo.css" type="text/css" /> <title>Projects by organisation</title> </head> <body> <h4>Projects by organisation</h4> <form action="./ins_ProyOrg.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> Project_Id: <input name="tf_proyId" type="text" id="tf_proyId" /> <p><a href="javascript:add_row()">Add an organisation</a></p> <!-- Here begins the function to create a new row for a new organisation--> <script type="text/javascript"> var rows = 1; function add_row() { var counter; var ptable = document.getElementById('tbl_ProyOrg'); var trow = document.createElement('tr'); //creates the tag for a a new table row trow.setAttribute('id', 'r' + rows); //Here IE 6.0 reports an error, but it works in Firefox1.0 and Opera var ptd = new Array(4); var arKind = Array('input', 'select', 'input'); //defines the kind of control var arNames = Array('proyId[]','orgSigla[]','none'); //defines the name of the control var arTypes = Array('hidden','text','button'); //defines de type of the control for (counter = 0; counter < arTypes.length; counter++) //Loop wchich creates one by one the elements of the table { ptd[counter] = document.createElement('td'); var p = document.createElement('span') var pinput = document.createElement(arKind[counter]); pinput.setAttribute('name', arNames[counter]); pinput.setAttribute('type', arTypes[counter]); pinput.setAttribute('id', arNames[counter]); /* THE MAIN PROBLEM IS HERE (at least I guess so :) ). I am trying to give the option values to the select control, from the query listed at the beginning of the file. I suposse the big problem is in the array definition but I have no idea of how to build a proper array. if (arKind[counter] == 'select') { var num_rec = "<?php echo $totalRows_rs_contraparte; ?>"; var list_rec = "<?php echo $row_rs_contraparte; ?>"; var source_combo = new Array(num_rec); for (i=0, i < num_rec, i++) { source_combo[i]= list_rec[i]; } pinput.options(source_combo[i]); } */ if (arTypes[counter] == 'button') { pinput.setAttribute('value', 'x'); pinput.onclick = removeNode; pinput.rId = 'r' + rows; } //This is the part which actually creates the table row p.appendChild(pinput); ptd[counter].appendChild(p); trow.appendChild(ptd[counter]); } ptable.appendChild(trow); rows++; } //This is the function to delete the row through the button. function removeNode() { var ptable = document.getElementById('tbl_ProyOrg'); ptable.removeChild(document.getElementById(this.rId)); rows--; } --> </script> <table> <thead> <tr> <th>Proyecto</th> <th>Organización</th> <th>Eliminar</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody id="tbl_ProyOrg"> </tbody> </table> <p><input type="submit" value="Add Record" name="submit" /></p> </form> </body> </html> ___________________________________________________________ ALL-NEW Yahoo! 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