What i love even better is when somebody on a mailing list, makes the
email hand back a receipt, how many people on this list, 10k+? Ouch
thats a lot of replies. Heh.
Marcus Joyce
JeRRy wrote:
I do support you too, Jerry. People should either
somehow exclude
'php-db'/other mailing lists to be auto-replied to
or they must keep
off their auto-replies with themselves.
Yes most mail systems allows you to exclude certain
domains from getting a auto response. Or if they own
their own server they can do the same.
Imagine half the mailing list people setting a auto
reply, our mailboxes would be out of control. If one
does it and gets away with it more will follow.
I classify ANY auto response that has no realy
meaning, eg out of office is SPAM! Different if your
signing up for a subscription a auto message sends
password and all that is a different story. But for
this mailing list setting a auto response for the
domains lists.php.net should not be allowed.
Its quite stupid recieving emails saying "I am out
of office" when we
are waiting for more urgent things.
Correct, my dog barking in the back yard is more
urgent than that sort of message.
Hence I don't have a dog, I don't think!
Samar M.
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