commentary from a couple of weeks ago-
Regards: Colin
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I spent some time experimenting with this to get it working, and came to some interesting conclusions,
which the docs don't always help you with. Here's what I found-
* The libmySQL.dll (note capitalisation) that comes with the mysql install will NOT work with
Apache/PHP, at least with the versions I have. Only the libmysql.dll shipped with the PHP
install works.
I don't know what the reason is, it could be a version mismatch or maybe mysql and PHP are
built using different compilers, but it's a problem.
* I think if the lib shipped with mysql is first in your search path (but see below), it prevents the
PHP-shipped one being seen, and prevents the module loading.
* Some apps install elements in the path using shell variables, i.e.-
PATH Entry Resolves To ------------- ------------ %SystemRoot%\system32 C:\WINDOWS\system32 %ProgramFiles%\PHP C:\Program Files\PHP
It looks like Apache and/or PHP have a problem with this, and fail to load DLLs if their
path is specified using a variable.
If you list the path directories explicitly, i.e.-
C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\Program Files\PHP
it works ok. I can now keep my libmysql.dll file in the PHP install directory, rather than
putting a copy in WINDOWS\system32.
Nett of all this, is (for me), to get a working system I have:
1) In Apache httpd.conf:
# # PHP 5 Support. # LoadModule php5_module "C:/Program Files/PHP/php5apache2.dll" AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
2) System PATH:
C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\Program Files\MySQL\bin;C:\Program Files\PHP
3) In C:\WINDOWS\php.ini:
extension_dir = "C:\Program Files\PHP\ext"
4) In C:\Program Files\PHP:
The libmysql.dll supplied with the PHP install.
Overall this is more than a bit obscure and error-prone. My initial impression is that Apache 2 is still
fairly "green", for instance on my machine after a couple of basic edits of the httpd.conf file I now find
the server will crash if I use the Stop or Restart functions of the Apache Service Monitor.
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