I would describe myself as an intermediate self-thaught PHP programmer, which means I can do lots of stuff but probly my coding techniques sucks :P
Anyway, Im reading a lot about OOP lately, and I've fixing other's people scripts which use OOP for "small" stuff that could have been acomplished with simple functions or includes maybe... so I started wondering, why use OOP when you can use something simpler...
Imagine the following example:
A table of MySQL on a simple classifieds site holds the info for each Ad posted ( timestamp, user who posted it, title, description, location, country, etc).
A php page called ads.php gets the ad ID via $_GET and prints out its information in a nicely formated page.
What I usually do is to put all the "echo-ing" part of this page in a separate include (ie: ads_details.php ), so that if I need to also show this in another page, I call the same include. If I decide to do a change later, I only have to change it in one part of the script alone.
What I've seen a lot lately is that people do the same with classes (they write a class that will output the same thing I output thru an include)... so I guess there must be pros and cons regarding using both methods...
Could anyone point me to a good reading (free, internet) material to read about this or any other advice so I continue learning about OOP and when to use it ?
If you read it all the way down here THANKS ! :D
Pablo Fernandez-Stearns BA. Argentina.
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