// Program to test connecting to a Microsoft Access ODBC Data Source $connection = odbc_connect("postcard", "", ""); print "Connected to datasource<BR><BR>";
if ($result = odbc_exec($connection, "SELECT * FROM postcard")) print "Command executed successfully<BR><BR>"; else print "Error while executing command<BR><BR>";
// Print results
print odbc_result($result, 1) . " " . odbc_result($result, 2) . " " . odbc_result($result, 3) . " " . odbc_result($result, 4) . " " . odbc_result($result, 5) . "<BR>";
odbc_close($connection); print "<BR>Connection closed.";
From: Matthew Perry <mwperry@xxxxxxxxxxx> To: php-db@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: microsoft access Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004 21:28:48 -0500
Does anyone know of a good online source for using php and microsoft access. I don't want to have to use asp.
Thank you for your time.
Matthew Perry
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