Suggestion, please note out where "line 9" is exactly. Some mail clients will use wordwrap and some not so the lines may not be the same on "every" mail client so "line 9" could be more like "line 14" on some and "line 9" on others. Just "//comment" where "line 9" is so we know and can answer your question alot better/easier/faster. :) Otherwise we would have to test and find ourself. Which many of us don't have the time/patience for. Jerry ----------------------------- From: Remember14a@xxxxxxx Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2004 06:58:10 EDT To: php-db@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: error Dear friends, Script writes to database, however gives this error while on internet web server, on local host doesn't give same error. Any guidance, please Thank you ----------------------------------------- Back to Main Notice: Undefined index: op in \\premfs15\sites\premium15\mrbushforpeace\webroot\replytopost.php on line 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---- code of php script ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---- <a href="">Back to Main</a> <?php //connect to server and select database; we'll need it soon $conn = mysql_connect("", "mrbushforpeace", "poilkjmnb") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("mrbushforpeace",$conn) or die(mysql_error()); //check to see if we're showing the form or adding the post if ($_POST["op"] != "addpost") { // showing the form; check for required item in query string if (!$_GET["post_id"]) { header("Location: topiclist.php"); exit; } //still have to verify topic and post $verify = "select ft.topic_id, ft.topic_title from forum_posts as fp left join forum_topics as ft on fp.topic_id = ft.topic_id where fp.post_id = $_GET[post_id]"; $verify_res = mysql_query($verify, $conn) or die(mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($verify_res) < 1) { //this post or topic does not exist header("Location: topiclist.php"); exit; } else { //get the topic id and title $topic_id = mysql_result($verify_res,0,'topic_id'); $topic_title = stripslashes(mysql_result($verify_res, 0,'topic_title')); print " <html> <head> <title>Post Your Reply in $topic_title</title> </head> <body> <h1>Post Your Reply in $topic_title</h1> <form method=post action=\"$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]\"> <p><strong>Your E-Mail Address:</strong><br> <input type=\"text\" name=\"post_owner\" size=40 maxlength=150> <P><strong>Post Text:</strong><br> <textarea name=\"post_text\" rows=8 cols=40 wrap=virtual></textarea> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"addpost\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"topic_id\" value=\"$topic_id\"> <P><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Add Post\"></p> </form> </body> </html>"; } } else if ($_POST["op"] == "addpost") { //check for required items from form if ((!$_POST["topic_id"]) || (!$_POST["post_text"]) || (!$_POST["post_owner"])) { header("Location: topiclist.php"); exit; } //add the post $add_post = "insert into forum_posts values ('', '$_POST[topic_id]', '$_POST[post_text]', now(), '$_POST[post_owner]')"; mysql_query($add_post,$conn) or die(mysql_error()); //redirect user to topic exit; } ?> Find local movie times and trailers on Yahoo! Movies. -- PHP Database Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: